Truly incredible to see all of these quotes and pictures in one place...all these politicians, regardless of party affiliation, talking about politics while an actual fire blazes in the background. Really really poignant Ken. Thank you so much for this!
Thanks Shelby. I don't cover this kind of stuff but I just couldn't believe the arrogance on display in so many ways and figured it might be useful to pull that all together. Glad you found it helpful!
Pathetic, and yet, these responses are as American as apple pie!
Speaking of, this is a very enlightening article on the fires from Yasha Levine, who has been studying the politics of water in California for several years in preparation for a documentary coming out this spring.
I thought Biden's remark was fine. Be resilient look to tomorrow is the clear meaning. He vowed to make sure California would get the federal assistance it. I'm also tired of hearing all the negatives surrounding Gavin Newsom who has had unprecedented climate disasters from floods to fires and has kept the state solvent and healthy through it all. I felt bad for James Woods until he opened his mouth and started his nonsense of blaming the governor for the Santa Ana winds and the Los Angeles weather conditions. It is a tragedy, real people pull together. Blame games for political advantage is the absolute worst and most vile acts of the coward.
Eh, maybe. But even if that was his intent, Biden isn't capable of delivering nuance like that in his present state.
Agree on James Woods - he's always been an asshole. Plus, he needs to get it right: It's not Newsom's fault that the Feds are starting these fires with directed energy weapons.
Clearly, they are oblivious to suffering of the actual humans they "rule". I've never liked Biden who tried to be all folksy but we all know it's an act. Not to mention his extreme selfishness that landed us with (even with competition) the worst president AGAIN. But to me, the real kick in the ass was the mayor of LA, was cornered by a reporter asking her why she was in Africa and not LA (great question, I'd like to know) and she stood there for minutes as the reporter asked questions after question... BLINKING. Not one word came from her mouth, whilst her city was burning and people are dying. This is likely because she didn't have her scripted talking points and she didn't want to say anything "real". It's disgusting and turns on my cynicism. I do wish they could be taken behind the wood shack and given corporal punishment whilst being laid out for their egregious conduct.
Well, when you are not busy slamming both Biden and Newsom, perhaps you’ll take a moment to thank them for the Federal aid that is coming LA’s way. If Donnie was POTUS, LA wouldn’t get a fricken dime.
Newsom is a candidate but no one cares, and he’s despised in most of the 49. Biden thinks he is a candidate for posterity. The other thing is something I wouldn’t be able to scrape from my shoe fast enough.
The burning of LA is tragic. Our leaders need to acknowledge it and prepare for more of this. Scientists have told us for decades that this was coming The End if Nature, McKibben 1989.
Keep burning fossil fuels and keep increasing the size and damage of the fires. Join with others around you and prepare.
Truly incredible to see all of these quotes and pictures in one place...all these politicians, regardless of party affiliation, talking about politics while an actual fire blazes in the background. Really really poignant Ken. Thank you so much for this!
Thanks Shelby. I don't cover this kind of stuff but I just couldn't believe the arrogance on display in so many ways and figured it might be useful to pull that all together. Glad you found it helpful!
Pathetic, and yet, these responses are as American as apple pie!
Speaking of, this is a very enlightening article on the fires from Yasha Levine, who has been studying the politics of water in California for several years in preparation for a documentary coming out this spring.
Damn! Only four minutes late with same link . . . .
I thought Biden's remark was fine. Be resilient look to tomorrow is the clear meaning. He vowed to make sure California would get the federal assistance it. I'm also tired of hearing all the negatives surrounding Gavin Newsom who has had unprecedented climate disasters from floods to fires and has kept the state solvent and healthy through it all. I felt bad for James Woods until he opened his mouth and started his nonsense of blaming the governor for the Santa Ana winds and the Los Angeles weather conditions. It is a tragedy, real people pull together. Blame games for political advantage is the absolute worst and most vile acts of the coward.
Eh, maybe. But even if that was his intent, Biden isn't capable of delivering nuance like that in his present state.
Agree on James Woods - he's always been an asshole. Plus, he needs to get it right: It's not Newsom's fault that the Feds are starting these fires with directed energy weapons.
Hmmm … there’s a light in every shadow. Maybe Woods will finally leave the state?
I agree with you on Newsom. I think he gets a bad rap way too often. He’s a human being, not a piñata.
Apropos of nothing I suggest getting into Buddhism.
Clearly, they are oblivious to suffering of the actual humans they "rule". I've never liked Biden who tried to be all folksy but we all know it's an act. Not to mention his extreme selfishness that landed us with (even with competition) the worst president AGAIN. But to me, the real kick in the ass was the mayor of LA, was cornered by a reporter asking her why she was in Africa and not LA (great question, I'd like to know) and she stood there for minutes as the reporter asked questions after question... BLINKING. Not one word came from her mouth, whilst her city was burning and people are dying. This is likely because she didn't have her scripted talking points and she didn't want to say anything "real". It's disgusting and turns on my cynicism. I do wish they could be taken behind the wood shack and given corporal punishment whilst being laid out for their egregious conduct.
“The world’s a stage, and it’s time for the public to stop being stage props.”
Very well, said Mr. Klippstein ! I wholeheartedly agree with you.
The look on the sign language interpreter's face after she says "URL."
While Rome 🥵 burns
Wikipedia English French and Irish ☘️
I heard Biden say that stupid shit live and couldn’t find it. Thanks for posting the video, it’s certainly remarkable.
Well, when you are not busy slamming both Biden and Newsom, perhaps you’ll take a moment to thank them for the Federal aid that is coming LA’s way. If Donnie was POTUS, LA wouldn’t get a fricken dime.
If he hadn't worn that hat we could see his beautiful hair and then all would be forgiven
"It’s as if the American people are bit players in their own democracy, supporting characters for the protagonist of the universe, the politician. "
Newsom is a candidate but no one cares, and he’s despised in most of the 49. Biden thinks he is a candidate for posterity. The other thing is something I wouldn’t be able to scrape from my shoe fast enough.
Perhaps 🤔 Biden has a bit of the smart a _ _ . Location and timing.
The burning of LA is tragic. Our leaders need to acknowledge it and prepare for more of this. Scientists have told us for decades that this was coming The End if Nature, McKibben 1989.
Keep burning fossil fuels and keep increasing the size and damage of the fires. Join with others around you and prepare.
Real Rome burning moment