Ridiculous charging her! She only deserved a reprimand at most! This makes me so angry and I fear this type of behavior by law enforcement may become even more aggressive. Feels like the wealthy elites don’t want the worker bees to unite!
Okay I need to stop reading these threads. My blood pressure goes up, I grind my teeth and I want to tear the living stuffing out of Squbby my plushy therapy teddy bear.
One; the charges are over the top and hopefully thrown out or seriously reduced. Perhaps Ms. Boston should have know better then to say what she did but really, who among us has said stupid s**, stuff at the height of anger or frustration? Anyone, Bueller, Bueller?
Aside from that and I apologize for this tangential thought but why in gods name does law enforcement use the grim reaper, and a deaths head as it's iconography? Are they the Waffen SS or a branch of a fair balanced justice system? I mean really? And what's a challenge coin? Are they like a sobriety medallion?
"why in gods name does law enforcement use the grim reaper, and a deaths head as it's iconography?"
Because they are authoritarians. Why do you think they don't bother teaching them anything about the laws they are supposed to enforce? It has nothing to do with law, and everything to do with order.
This is one of the reasons I frequently suspect events like the CEO shooting may not be in reality as they're reported. At the very least this is a demonstration for one and all that the true mission of any local or federal law enforcement agency is to keep property and businesses safe, and the more property and more lucrative a business is, the more (taxpayer funded) resources will be directed to keep safe.
Utterly bogus charges, and the best way to fight shit like this is for EVERYONE who has a complaint about their health insurance to say "Deny, Defend, Depose" on EVERY phone call or email exchanged with them. Are they going to charge and arrest us all?
OK not to be a Karen, but it's really pissing me off that every article is getting the words wrong on the bullets. It started with the NYT reporting it wrong. It's DENY DEFEND DEPOSE.
Well, this comes as no surprise. It was the 5-4-3-2-1 moment I was waiting for, the moment when the powerful flex their muscles to try to scare the rest of us into silence and submission.
This is only one of many warning shots we'll see and it's important to continue making noise about these tactics so that others see them for what they are.
Because she went hard immediately. Classic white girl move. She should learn to self-regulate, know her triggers, and understand that you are now in real life, not on social media. You must escalate accordingly. She thought she had a mic drop (IE, thought she was leaving a comment on Facebook), and suffered the consequences. Legally, a dumb decision. Ethically, not a problem. Do you see where this is going? Its called NO MORE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Duh.
“I am personally not threatening you. However, I would not mourn for your policy makers if they were shot like the rabid dogs they are. Again, this is not a threat, just a heartfelt statement of moral support for any vigilante who takes action in the face of your evil policies.”
Ridiculous charging her! She only deserved a reprimand at most! This makes me so angry and I fear this type of behavior by law enforcement may become even more aggressive. Feels like the wealthy elites don’t want the worker bees to unite!
This is why people need to fear the bipartisan efforts to censor the Internet. The ruling class protects itself.
The slippery slope has turned into an avalanche! Thanks for this report.
Absurd waste of human resources!
Maybe she should have said, I can shoot someone on 5th Ave
in NYC and get away with it.
> I believe these statements were meant to threaten the insurance company by using the UnitedHealthcare CEO’s homicide to her advantage.
Yes, I do too, but only in the frustrated consumer way of lashing out.
> Your affiant believes there is sufficient probable cause to charge Boston with Threats to conduct a mass shooting or an act of terrorism
Uh, no, that isn’t what she meant or said. At the extreme she might have meant SOMEONE would target them next, but not her.
And it wasn’t a written threat, so I don’t see how that law applies anyway.
Long arc of Justice, now pretzel shaped.
Okay I need to stop reading these threads. My blood pressure goes up, I grind my teeth and I want to tear the living stuffing out of Squbby my plushy therapy teddy bear.
One; the charges are over the top and hopefully thrown out or seriously reduced. Perhaps Ms. Boston should have know better then to say what she did but really, who among us has said stupid s**, stuff at the height of anger or frustration? Anyone, Bueller, Bueller?
Aside from that and I apologize for this tangential thought but why in gods name does law enforcement use the grim reaper, and a deaths head as it's iconography? Are they the Waffen SS or a branch of a fair balanced justice system? I mean really? And what's a challenge coin? Are they like a sobriety medallion?
"why in gods name does law enforcement use the grim reaper, and a deaths head as it's iconography?"
Because they are authoritarians. Why do you think they don't bother teaching them anything about the laws they are supposed to enforce? It has nothing to do with law, and everything to do with order.
Threaten a rich person, go to jail.
Rich person murders thousands by denying care, they get richer.
This is one of the reasons I frequently suspect events like the CEO shooting may not be in reality as they're reported. At the very least this is a demonstration for one and all that the true mission of any local or federal law enforcement agency is to keep property and businesses safe, and the more property and more lucrative a business is, the more (taxpayer funded) resources will be directed to keep safe.
Utterly bogus charges, and the best way to fight shit like this is for EVERYONE who has a complaint about their health insurance to say "Deny, Defend, Depose" on EVERY phone call or email exchanged with them. Are they going to charge and arrest us all?
Free speech is a threat to corporations. #SpeakUp #Overkill Can't post this on Zuckerbook!
OK not to be a Karen, but it's really pissing me off that every article is getting the words wrong on the bullets. It started with the NYT reporting it wrong. It's DENY DEFEND DEPOSE.
Ok - thought I was going crazy for a minute! But are this lady's words different or is the misquote on both?
The lady said "delay, deny, depose" (the wrong words) because of the misreporting of the words in media, including Ken in this article.
So she can just plead alliteration?
Grotesque. Health insurance CEO’s would be charged with terrorism in a world that made sense.
Well, this comes as no surprise. It was the 5-4-3-2-1 moment I was waiting for, the moment when the powerful flex their muscles to try to scare the rest of us into silence and submission.
This is only one of many warning shots we'll see and it's important to continue making noise about these tactics so that others see them for what they are.
Here we go. The setup. The payoff. lol. She’s a moron for doing this in the first place. But. Entitled Karens be Karening
What makes you think she’s an “entitled Karen” and not someone with a legitimate complaint?
I wouldn’t have said what she said though.
Because she went hard immediately. Classic white girl move. She should learn to self-regulate, know her triggers, and understand that you are now in real life, not on social media. You must escalate accordingly. She thought she had a mic drop (IE, thought she was leaving a comment on Facebook), and suffered the consequences. Legally, a dumb decision. Ethically, not a problem. Do you see where this is going? Its called NO MORE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Duh.
“I am personally not threatening you. However, I would not mourn for your policy makers if they were shot like the rabid dogs they are. Again, this is not a threat, just a heartfelt statement of moral support for any vigilante who takes action in the face of your evil policies.”
Just say that next time
Thanks good sub heading. Threatening to depose sounds like in a lawsuit and that’s terrorism?