The second cable is hilarious. It starts off with stuff like "we've always been the best at this whole peace in the middle east thing and you'd be making it hard for us to continue being the best" then ramps up to "imagine the implications, the consequences, the backlash, wow" and finally ends with "we're literally going to cut funding to the UN and it's gonna be extreamely bad for everyone"... International relation is so sad. It's like talking to your abusive partner who always asks nicely but in the same breath can't help themself but to threaten you.

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Damn. That's a big scoop, dude..

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This application has been suspended for 13 years... yet there are still unanswered questions regarding the Palestinian application?

What have American Ambassadors been doing for 13 years?

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I know your question is rhetorical but I couldn't help myself.....They've been busy being the Israeli attack dog by funding all those bombs and bullets currently killing children all over Palestine. They also are disabled hounds because they are blind to all the attrocities committed for decades while also being eagle eyed to catch every single instance of any Palestinian who utters an anything remotely Anti-Iseael. It's pretty incredible that being part dumb donkey is part of their amalgamation when they don't "understand" why aren't jumping for joy as their land is stripped from them and their prison walls close in tighter and more oppressive each year. I could keep going but honestly their disgusting actions don't deserve my time trying to creatively add to the chimera that is our disgusting unconditional support of a fascistic, genocidal, extremist, theocratic ethni-state that mostly resembles the early 30s Germany......better say this now while it's still legal

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Wow, this is so deceptive & disingenuous of you.

Who, exactly, are these “Palestinians” seek to be recognized as representing a country?

None other that the leaders of a genocidal terrorist group who came to power in one election Over A Decade ago & promptly got rid of any more elections.

Excuse my sarcasm, but that sure sounds like they’re True Representatives of The People - or maybe Not.

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You could be talking about America electing republicans and hiding mass shooters. Are you ok with us being attacked for electing a fascist regime??

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I’m trying very hard to understand what on earth you’re talking about. Are you conflating the USA, which has elections every 4 years with a terrorist organization who took over a people stupid enough to “elect” them over a decade ago, which then abolished elections?

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Or, you could be talking about the IDF. It has for years, if not decades, REGULARLY taken Palestinian hostages. Arresting people and imprisoning them indefinitely without charges or without any sort of criminal law due process IS hostage-taking. Period.

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And murdered Entire family of people in Gaza for having a family member marry a Low level Hamas guy….after bombing 3 houses and the family’s small children.

I know this up close and personal. as I was a penpal with the family member. All dead!

Then the IDF spent more than 2 months trying ti invade my devices..

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Not just terrorist….Jihad. Think nazi’s that don’t believe any Jews should be alive in the area and then in the promise of when they die for their cause they are REWARDED in HEAVEN….these are the people you want to bring into the UN? The youth of America has lost its god damn mind

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How stupid there are 5 million Palestians and the vast majority want to live their lives and yet are SLAUGHTERED due to around 30k. What's your excuse for the west bank where 60% if the land is stolen? Where there is NO hamas? Israel agreed to a two state solition in 1993 and 30 years on if that had happened I doubt we would still be seeing this. Violence perpetrated generation after generation just breeds more violence. The Palestinians WERE victimized FIRST. They didn't committ the Holocaust, not a one of them ran a concentration camp or gas chamber and yet they lost their land, their nation, their rights, and for too damn many their lives because the rest of the world felt guilty for sitting aside and doing nothing after thousand years of Jewish persecution.

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seriously though get the fuck out of here you deranged old bat... no one needs to hear your "opinions"

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Lol, you sound triggered. Much?

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Apr 19Edited
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Free advice to you, don’t go into the psychic business, because you’re really bad at reading minds.

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Apr 20Edited
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LOL, you make my day.

I forgive you for you delusions.

I’m not your enemy.

One day, I hope you realize that, and learn true compassion.

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You do realize that Israel has occupied Palestine for going on the better part of a century. Hamas has nothing to do with the West Bank, what's your excuse to the fascists Israeli Settlers(they literally call themselves fascists) that steal more and more land from Palestinians every damn year? This year was the biggest land grab since the Oslo Accords in 1993.....you know the peace deal with the fucking PLO that Israel agreed to a two state solution....here we are 31 years later and theres only an ethno fascist state that has stolen 61% of the West Bank and also controls every entry and exit to gaza including their coastline which is what makes it a prison. Those Palestinians can NOT leave they cannot get passports since they do not belong to a STATE. Your nonchalant hatred of over 5 million people from the actions of a few thousand is astonishing and disgusting

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Abbas is a corrupt politician and has done nothing to protect Palestinians

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This shit is sickening.

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Lemme add this. Per Chapter II, Article 4 of the UN Charter:

"Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations."

Shouldn't the US have been booted long ago?

I know, I know, it says "other." So the US is grandfathered in ...

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Wow! Thank you. 🙏 Of course, everyone knows the United States has no intention of supporting a 2 State solution. Guys: the U.S. has already agreed “in principle” to the elimination of the Palestinian people. They just weren’t expecting Israel to be so blatant about it. One way or another, Palestine must be eliminated and its people dispersed: that’s what our government wants.

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The Truth is AIPAC and foreign influence in our politics is the real problem. Politicians are either on the take or have to be worried about AIPAC funding an opponent with endless amounts of $$ and this affects both parties! Last primary season AIPAC was even in our local elections with their PAC United Democratic Project.

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If Gaza were an independent state, then it wouldn’t have to fight Israel, they would co-exist and learn to live with each other, perhaps even co-operate. If there are gas and oil deposits offshore, Gaza would have the basis for a sound economy. If the Palestinians had a sound economy they would have jobs, peace, security. It’s not rocket science: people want to live in peace. They just want to get on with their lives. Get married; raise their children; see their children go out into the world and succeed. What could be easier? Why do people (Zionists) have to be such fucking dicks? It’s a rhetorical question, I know the many reasons.

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Butcher Biden is a Bastard. Thank you for this.

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Thanks, Ken. Smart move, learning from Reality Winner and Glennwald to retype the cables.

One question re your Intercept piece, as I go off to Google. Have any other nations been admitted to the UN without unanimous Security Council approval? (Barring a veto by one of the Big 5, of course.)

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Palestine is not a truly recognized country.how could they join the UN? The US blocking joining the UN is not the same as them being against Palestinian statehood. I didn’t read the entire blog but this feels like a misrepresentation of the facts 🤷🏾‍♂️

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Well, apparently a lot of the member states of the UN don't agree with you. Had the UN recognized the state of Palestine, then Palestinians would have had A BIT more bargaining power. And, indeed, members of the Israeli government have stated that they are opposed to a 2-state solution. And, of course, no one in our government has the cohones to say "Stop allowing settlers to getthoize Israel so that a 2-state solution can be achieved." Hypocrisy of the first magnitude!

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I couldn't stomach reading more that abt a page of the talking points. To wit: To best support Pal statehood, US encourages you to vote against Pal statehood at the UN. We need to pacify Israel first, and they are vewy upset and a little crazy right now.

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And that’s why I’m not voting for Biden again

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He is a racist pos

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Palestinian statehood should be opposed. Biden is better than I had realized.

The idea of Palestine was fabricated to delegitimize Israel. The so called Palestinians are Arabs, and they do not constitute an ethnic group apart from Arabs.

Look at the incontrovertible facts:

From 1948 to 1967, the West bank was controlled by Jordan and Gaza was ruled by Egypt. No one said that the Arab countries of Egypt and Jordan were treading on Palestinian self-determination. That's because no one considered the so called Palestinians a nation apart from the Arab nation

After all, "Palestine" has none of the indicia of nationhood:

a) There is no Palestinian language

b) There is no Palestinian religion

c) Palestine was never ruled by people who called themselves Palestinians.

d) The very name Palestine was simply coined by ancient Rome, Titus in particular, in an effort to erase the memory of Judea.

Similarly Jordan never existed before about 1918. Shortly after Britain got the Palestine mandate, she severed everything East of the River Jordan from so called Palestine and she called that region Jordan

Britian gave Jordan to the Hashemite tribe for its services in World War One. Ergp. perhaps the people of Jordan are being denied their nationhood because they are ruled by the Hashemite tribe.

Similarly, Syria is run by the Alawite sect. After France got the Syrian mandate, they gave Syria to the Alawites, who had aided France in World War one. Perhaps the Syrian people's self hood has been usurped by the Alawite sect.

But there is one nation in the mideast whose government comes from its people.

There is one nation in the mideast who has identified with its land mass for thousands of years.

And that is Israel and the Jewish People


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