Apr 17Liked by Ken Klippenstein

The second cable is hilarious. It starts off with stuff like "we've always been the best at this whole peace in the middle east thing and you'd be making it hard for us to continue being the best" then ramps up to "imagine the implications, the consequences, the backlash, wow" and finally ends with "we're literally going to cut funding to the UN and it's gonna be extreamely bad for everyone"... International relation is so sad. It's like talking to your abusive partner who always asks nicely but in the same breath can't help themself but to threaten you.

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Apr 17Liked by Ken Klippenstein

Damn. That's a big scoop, dude..

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This application has been suspended for 13 years... yet there are still unanswered questions regarding the Palestinian application?

What have American Ambassadors been doing for 13 years?

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Wow, this is so deceptive & disingenuous of you.

Who, exactly, are these “Palestinians” seek to be recognized as representing a country?

None other that the leaders of a genocidal terrorist group who came to power in one election Over A Decade ago & promptly got rid of any more elections.

Excuse my sarcasm, but that sure sounds like they’re True Representatives of The People - or maybe Not.

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This shit is sickening.

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Lemme add this. Per Chapter II, Article 4 of the UN Charter:

"Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations."

Shouldn't the US have been booted long ago?

I know, I know, it says "other." So the US is grandfathered in ...

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Wow! Thank you. 🙏 Of course, everyone knows the United States has no intention of supporting a 2 State solution. Guys: the U.S. has already agreed “in principle” to the elimination of the Palestinian people. They just weren’t expecting Israel to be so blatant about it. One way or another, Palestine must be eliminated and its people dispersed: that’s what our government wants.

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If Gaza were an independent state, then it wouldn’t have to fight Israel, they would co-exist and learn to live with each other, perhaps even co-operate. If there are gas and oil deposits offshore, Gaza would have the basis for a sound economy. If the Palestinians had a sound economy they would have jobs, peace, security. It’s not rocket science: people want to live in peace. They just want to get on with their lives. Get married; raise their children; see their children go out into the world and succeed. What could be easier? Why do people (Zionists) have to be such fucking dicks? It’s a rhetorical question, I know the many reasons.

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Butcher Biden is a Bastard. Thank you for this.

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Thanks, Ken. Smart move, learning from Reality Winner and Glennwald to retype the cables.

One question re your Intercept piece, as I go off to Google. Have any other nations been admitted to the UN without unanimous Security Council approval? (Barring a veto by one of the Big 5, of course.)

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I couldn't stomach reading more that abt a page of the talking points. To wit: To best support Pal statehood, US encourages you to vote against Pal statehood at the UN. We need to pacify Israel first, and they are vewy upset and a little crazy right now.

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And that’s why I’m not voting for Biden again

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He is a racist pos

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It seems that the US wasn't able to get enough countries on its side on the UNSC and will have to exercise its veto...:


The isue is the border, the land, the illegal settlements... and gaining more land, if possible all...

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Palestine is not a truly recognized country.how could they join the UN? The US blocking joining the UN is not the same as them being against Palestinian statehood. I didn’t read the entire blog but this feels like a misrepresentation of the facts 🤷🏾‍♂️

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