"Obviously it makes sense to want to prevent the kind of violence we saw on January 6, where several people died. "

As a reminder of the actual circumstances of the deaths:

"Within 36 hours, five people died: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes, including a police officer."


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Wikipedia is an unreliable reference source .

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Homeland Security was initially designed to protect the American people from an outside threat working within the borders. Just like every other Federal Department, the “jurisdictional creep” is predictable but nonetheless appalling. Homeland Security is currently responsible for our border, does the American public deserve this department casting such a broad net over a Mayor’s request?

Don’t forget... the multi-national Iraq war started when a request from an Iraqi General for protection against Saddam. Homeland Security will only say they are responding to the Mayor’s plea.

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Here’s what galls me. If Biden-Harris and Garland had fulfilled their oaths of office, we might not be in this mess. Not a single ringleader of J6 has been held accountable. One is running for POTUS, and several are running to keep their seats in Congress. A retired general has been fomenting trouble for years (on the taxpayers’ dime). So instead of charging these people with a crime, the U.S. government comes up with a half-baked scheme to make certification day secure, with no thought to the preceding two months.

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"Security" is everywhere. I took a photo of a large truck parked blocking traffic. I went to the police department in person to ask if such traffic blocking was legal. I could not get in to the reception area at the police department. Instead I was stopped in an anteroom with a locked door, a buzzer, a camera and a telephone. Through glass I could see the forehead of someone sitting behind a high counter. In times past that is where one would go to talk to someone.

I was queried about why I was there. I said I had a picture and a legal question. "what is the picture of?" I was asked, "hold it up so we can see it". I had had enough. I said what has it come to that a citizen of the city cannot go to the police department and speak in person to someone face to face about an issue? Instead I am held in an interrogation area by someone I cannot see who isn't identified with a name tag as in the past? All this not at some business at risk but at the police department?!

Whoever was talking to me then came up with the lame excuse that COVID is the reason. I was put by phone into contact with the "traffic officer" who explained that blocking traffic is allowed if it doesn't last more than a few minutes. I never did get into the building.

I confess I was spoiled by my young years with "security" unknown, front doors in the neighborhood were unlocked, yards were not fenced, nobody needed a clearance to go anywhere. That is long gone and there is no sign that it will return. Fear and suspicion rule. Even the police feel a need to retreat into their castle and pull up the drawbridge.

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CONFIRMED: Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA operative (and - was sent to Russia for spying)

RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death


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This is worth watching on J6: https://greenwald.substack.com/p/the-enduring-media-lies-surrounding

Trump. Days ahead of J6 Trump did (as a release of records finally showed) offer the National Guard to protect the US Capitol Building during his speech, but the offer was denied--just as multiple eyewitnesses attested https://americanmilitarynews.com/2022/08/gen-kellogg-trump-did-request-natl-guard-troops-on-jan-6th-asks-congress-to-release-his-testimony/

The J6 committee suppressed the interviews showing Trump, Meadows, and the Police Chief asking for the National Guard: https://cha.house.gov/2024/3/chairman-loudermilk-publishes-never-before-released-anthony-ornato-transcribed-interview

The police chief also requested National Guard help, but it was denied: https://www.npr.org/2021/01/11/955548910/ex-capitol-police-chief-rebuffs-claims-national-guard-was-never-called-during-ri

The suicides are also suspicious: https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/

Why was Kamala at DNC headquarters during J6? https://floppingaces.net/most-wanted/kamala-harris-still-unexplained-presence-at-the-dnc-on-january-6/ Resources were pulled away from the Capitol to address the pipe bombs.

Lots of questions are still unanswered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaL5RM-ZYt0

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