Keep up the good work, Ken; this coming from a "gerontocrat",(i.e., an 80 yr. 'old' expat living at Lake Atitlán, Sol.; Guatemala), 😋. Happy Holidays!! I wish u success in your "mission"! 🙏🏽 ☮️

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I have no problem with folks in their 80s - just the ones in congress! Happy holidays, Caroline!

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LOL. Me too; I coincide with your opinion! There shud be an "expiration date for legislators as well as the executive branch!! & The same to you Ken. I appreciate the investigative work you do!! (Not sure if I described what you do correctly!). 🙏🏽

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Caroline, I have you beat at 81, lol. Ken’s column on the congressional gerontocracy set my hair on fire.

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If only my dear old dad was alive, he would love you and definitely subscribe because to his last breath (age 90) he was screaming about the oligarchs and the shit treatment of the working people of this country, and he tried to get me to bring him to Occupy Wall Street so he could get arrested. His hero was FDR and that’s because the New Deal literally saved his family after the Great Depression. Fortunately he did not live to see Trump 2.0 because I cannot imagine what that knowledge would have done to his concept of what America really is and what the Democrats have become. So my recent subscription to support your journalism is in memory of Herb.

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Thanks Jackie, wish I could've met your father - he sounds a lot like me! Happy holidays.

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He was a pip, to the last. If you have the time, interest, or inclination, I poured myself and my grief into this memory of him:


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I am VERY happy to subscribe, to get information not vetted by any big money/power interests to slant and censor what I read. I also try to get info from both sides of the party system so I can see the slants and I search out other independent sources.

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Thanks Elizabeth, I try really hard to just give people the information so they can decide for themselves. I have this crazy idea that the truth is inherently good and that the public should be trusted to use it as it sees fit. Happy holidays!

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I don’t subscribe to much but definitely happy to subscribe to your Substack. REFRESHINGLY honest and forthright. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to 2025

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Thanks for ALL you do Ken. What America needs are more INDEPENDENT journalist supported by subscribers. I'm afraid of what might happen to the likes of the Washington Post with Jeff Bezos and the rest of the obesely rich clamoring for trump's ear. TrumpWorld IS the swamp!

After five years of subscribing to WaPo I have ended my subscription as well as the daily e-mail subscriptions.

Oops...almost forgot to mention Merry Christmas and the Happiest New Years!!!

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Merry Christmas, Bob!

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Thank you for having the courage to take the leap and I'm very glad to hear that it's working out. May you be on many enemies lists. :)

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Don't know that it was courage so much as just being fed up with traditional media. It is definitely working out and I wake up every day excited to get to write what I want, rather than what someone else does. Happy holidays!

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Great year Ken! Keep it up and enjoy your holidays!

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Thanks, Chris!

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Seriously do keep up the great work. I unsubscribed from two other authors to sign up here and I don't regret it a bit. I won't names names, though. :-)

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Happy Holidays! Grateful for you, Ken. Grateful that there so many people thirsty for the truth.

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Thanks for subscribing Kim, really means a lot. Happy holidays!

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Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas, Ashe!

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Mad love Ken! Seeing your success has been almost as awesome as reading your work. Happy Holidays!

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Ken, your promise of reporting the truth is your value proposition, even though we may not always like some of those truths when confronted with them. Keep it up, and thanks.

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Kenny Klips!!! 💕

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Merry Christmas Ken. Happy you had a good one.

I can't thank you enough for your honesty, dedication, and your reporting.

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I am thrilled to be able to subscribe to your column, Ken, having completely soured on the MSM. You, along with other independent journalists, are unafraid of the truth, regardless of how ugly it is. I have often thought of my father lately, who announced in the late 1960s that all politicians are crooks. As a recent graduate from a left-leaning college, I argued with him for weeks. Now that I’m in my dotage, I think he was right. I don’t see a good end.

Keep up your good work. I welcome your column, and I’m glad to learn that so many other people welcome the truth.

Happy holidays!

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