Keep up the great work!

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Glad you find it helpful!

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Thank you from my curious heart for treating us readers as adults, who can and want to have a nuanced conversation. Pretending like something is not happening is what brings us to this place to begin with.

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You're welcome! It's the privilege of my life to be able to do this kind of work.

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Ken Klippenstein is a real journalist. He tells the truth and that is why he is often vilified.

I want to read the "original" document and not someone's opinion of it or excerpts that someone has chosen to show me.

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Thank you. Say hi to Hattie for me!

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Thank you, Ken! Yesterday, I renewed my subscription and bought a year's subscription for each of my sons, for Christmas. Keep on keepin' on, my friend.

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Thank you! Genuinely could not do this without folks like you.

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Also, I ran into an argument on Instagram, where there were some fake manifestos, and someone said "the media won't publish the *real* one, they're just selectively quoting it", and I replied and posted the link to your post. A bit later, I got a notice that a couple of people had subscribed to you as a result, so I would encourage everyone to share Ken's work far and wide on your socials. It helps get the word out on specific articles, and it also brings in more subscribers to the substack overall, which expands his reach. We are facing some dark times, information-wise, and we need all ethical independent journalists on deck.

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The media doesn’t want class warfare

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Excellent! Keep it up!

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Will do!

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You live up to your calling consistently. I trust you to tell everyone’s truth that allows us to form our own understanding of an event or situation. That is an earmark of a real Journalist.

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This is what I was hoping for. I could give a fuck about major media personally, I just think it’s important for you to articulate the exact points you did here. BTW, good appearance overall and you hit the high points quite well. I still would like to see some more news appearances, but I guess now I know why NBC and MSNBC are not moving forward.

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On this point I agree with you wholeheartedly! Excellent work and thank you for articulating it and spreading the information. I am doing my part to share it. The public deserves to hear it and the pretext they offer for withholding it is pure BS.

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Thanks for supporting me, Dana.

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Happy to do it - I am encouraged by your efforts to bring about a new era in reporting. Stay true Ken. We need more observers who can operate with self awareness and write from a place untainted by paternalism, hubris and personal ambition.

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Way to go! The more you are known, the more likely it is for you to receive information that it is in the interest of the public for it to be known. I admire your courage and I think that, again, the more that you are known, the safer it will be for you due to the support you are gathering. Intimidation is a very big thing is the maintenance of power and it must be overcome by all of us.

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You're famous!!!

(Huh. So that's what you look like . . . .)

You're famous!!!

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Well, except that Colbert "can't pronunce my name!"

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Whoa! Even _more_ famous!

(Don't watch Colbert, though: loved his delivery in "Harvey Birdman, Attorney-at-Law", disliked finding out how he's sucked up to land/pistachio barons in California.)

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New paid subscriber here. Keep up the good work!

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Welcome aboard, mat!

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lol, "minifesto"

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Thank you for your integrity Ken!

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An obvious reason not to show Mangione's photos is they undercut the "mental health" narrative: he appears eminently sane, as well as well-groomed. Not the wild-eyed, wild-haired poster boy for the law enforcement/media promotion.

(Mangione's "minifesto" was cogently reasoned, despite wincingly quoting a gladiator movie.)

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Without fine independent journalists like you, Ken, the Fourth Estate would be dead. I appreciate your efforts to keep me informed.

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