What a crock of self serving malarkey. Had the “media” been doing their jobs properly for the past 30 years the actual underlying issues unfettered capitalistic greed would never have materialized.

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“There is no value in engaging with the media.”

But letting our PR facade play that role is so genius… yuck.

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the most disgusting thing about the coverage is the media's constant mentioning of the guy's wife and kids. Like this guy couldn't be a piece of shit he has a wife and kids. their dumbfuck logic is sooooooooo unhinged. It's blatantly obvious they're grasping at straws

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Yes I was far more than disgusted upon learning of this CEO’s arrest and conviction of DWI actions while serving in his current post AND that he has been living in a separated marital state for years~~

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Thoughts and prayers…to all the people this group of assholes denied or screwed over through the years.

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Someone on Reddit made the comment “who killed more people; Hitler or UHC” and the fact that I couldn’t immediately decide if it was a joke or an actual question really helps me frame how I feel about this all.

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Sooo well noted was this specific Reddit made commenter!! As a former long term since retired “Corporate Healthcare Patient and Family Representative” I can attest far far far more lives were lost over the past 30+ years than under Hitler’s actions of genocide from in the least 1941-45~ as I was given a simple choice often~ either tow the Corporate line and remain silent to any daily Medical Misadventures etc routinely supported by ALL Hospital Administrations across the USA and thereby elect to routinely not engage in Federally Mandated Reporting OR be readily fired and blacklisted from any future Healthcare employment in North America~~

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I was wondering, earlier today, if these motherfuckers actually are surprised by just how much they are hated, and how universal this anger is? Because - honestly, I am surprised. I thought I was was simply aligned with a tiny fraction of the population - I didn’t realise how very many of us share this common cause of wanting to push this type of ‘business man’ off the highest cliff.

So, they must really be stunned, surrounded as they are only by people who think wealth=goodness.

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They live very insular lives, which makes them believe they’re untouchable. They don’t think they deserve to live in fear like the rest of us. People are collectively fed up with what the wealthy are doing to this country and our loved ones, was only a matter of time before we starting saying the quiet part out loud.

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As I am one of “the peeps” who is collectively fed up with what the elite support and engage across the globe on a routine daily basis I too applaud your words and sentiments dear Laura G.~~

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Thousands upon thousands of dead Americans would seem to suggest there is no value in “engaging” with shitbag insurance companies who have profited from those deaths.

We want our lives and our country back, you sniveling coward. Your move…

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Lesson: Don't screw people and they won't want to kill you. Makes sense to me.

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Message for Mr. Witty: Sir, respectfully, go hang by your thumbs. And I’m not even in media!

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We murder people “respectfully”

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Media scrutiny? What media scrutiny?

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So by continuing business as usual all will be good. Americans will make their copays and the insurance corporate moguls can stay hidden and wealthy. I mean what liberal fools belong to their golf club! They will be just fine once that damn media goes away. It’s surely the media not their actions.

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If anyone here or elsewhere on Substack condones the murder of CEO Brian Thompson and invites violent action against similar CEOs, you should report that person immediately.

Calling for murder, inciting imminent violent action, is not covered by Free Speech laws.

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Where is the outrage from the elites when children are gunned down in cold blood in their classrooms? It's nowhere. It's business as usual. What's usual business? Holding our loved ones hostage and forcing them to sell their houses in order to pay for life saving treatment even after promising their plan covers everything. When you look at the BILLIONS they make in profit made off of death and misery and sadness to vacation in Aspen and fly their daughters to Taylor Swift concerts, maybe they have it coming. Justice is a funny business.

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It’s no fun manning the guillotine, but sometimes there’s no other tool for the job at hand.

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UHC PR has entered the chat.

Also, fuck off you greedy toad.

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I wish you had posted the entire video. It’s so grotesque your head explodes.

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Witty is likely sleeping easier now that Thomson can’t be deposed under oath in the lawsuits against his company and insider trading allegations, etc. Let’s see how long Magione survives…

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Well noted on the obvious limitations related to the deceased inability to “deny any and all insider trading etc charges going forth” and yes “lets see…” both how long Magione survives and view the specific details of the truth related to his motives into his initial detailed morbid planned events!!

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Is anyone going to speak truth on this situation? The phony shell casings being a false narrative? This was obviously an inside job spin to look like a revolutionary act. Don’t get fooled. Assassinating someone in broad daylight is the message. Who was the message for? Shareholders. Dude was about to dismantle passive healthcare into active. The industry obviously did not want that. So. Point made. Investors, don’t even think about changing the system. Or you’re next. This “hero” made up narrative is bullshit. Wake up.

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