"the constant dangers that exist for our troops" The real end of the sentence should be "the constant dangers that exist for the entire world." Other than that, just another normal, nothing to see here, year in the military-fantasyland of the USofA.

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Oceana must always be at war. The heathen threat of Eurasia and Eastasia cannot be ignored!

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“…we reserve the right to self-defense…” is code for we have the right to bomb and kill anyone we deem stands in the way of our world supremacy, extractive resource industries and support for violent oppressive regimes. How many of our young men and women would sign up if they knew the real purpose of our military?

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America world rather kill hundreds of thousands of people every year (and turn it into a profit center, in and off itself) rather than pay retail.

Meanwhile, our cities burn, our bridges fall down, and our drinking water is becoming poisonous.

Why is supporting Israeli ethnic cleansing more important to Biden than the Americans battered by climate change induced floods and fires (Asheville, LA), industrial corruption and toxic waste (East Palestine, OH), poisoned drinking water (Flint, Jackson)?

Because helping Americans doesn't make anyone rich.

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Is the data and backing information for this available anywhere? Would be a good data set.

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The so called Ironclad bond between the United States and the Kahanist State has cost us $8 trillion dollars since the so called War On Terror began after our friends from Egypt and Saudi Arabia flew planes into NYC and DC. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump sends American boots into Gaza to rescue the remaining hostages while the IDF plays video games in Tel Aviv

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BRAVO Klippenstein!! Keep em comin :)

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Our kids are sitting ducks. I would like to see a popular video game showing the many hundreds of US military bases around the world.

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