I love it. The protocols for “abusive callers” says that they’re “encouraged to disconnect the call.” So basically if they’re getting some heat because your mom couldn’t get approved for an iron lung, your dad got a denial for a prosthetic hand, or they flat out won’t cover your prostate cancer because, who knows why, then UHC employees are “empowered” to just hang up on you. And management will reward them. Isn’t that fucking beautiful and charming?
I live not far from an area of magnificent mansions and a characteristic of the biggest is isolation, gated entry, keep the public far away from the private paradise that money from the public has purchased. As I drive along the road looking at these huge estates I wonder what CEO of this or that company resides therein, so carefully and deliberately removed from the reality of life for the 99%.
While I appreciate Ken's resolve to publish any relevant information, this is pretty standard corporate talk for any industry in such circumstances. Really noting of note there.
In reality, almost nobody will slam on their coworker after their death. Perhaps if your boss is Bashar Al-Assad, then... maybe. So, it should be even-handed in the press, but a company will not refer to a deceased employee as one who "60% believed was a respected colleague, and 40% hated."
Hey, has anyone else noticed this? Do you know how we make fun of the bland, soulless quality of corporate PR and communications, as well as corporate talking points? My biggest exposure to this was in the 1990s when I got to write some of it myself. Anyhow, all of that stuff reminds me of AI-generated content. So, as we look at the rise of AI, perhaps one good use would be replacing top-level management with computers. If the products of their work have always looked like AI-generated content, why not simply use AI? There is still a need for leadership, so perhaps a board that could vote democratically on the suggestions. As a start.
Since the Shareholders are required to maximize profits, asap, by the legal Bylaws, this has merit! Why can’t shareholders increase profits by using AI in place of top level management? Seems prudent!
Somewhere in board rooms the question being asked repeatedly is "Who the fuck is this Klippenstein guy?"
right lmfao, I hope the streisand effect goes into full motion
Hopefully they won't ask a certain billionaire. Hmm.
I love it. The protocols for “abusive callers” says that they’re “encouraged to disconnect the call.” So basically if they’re getting some heat because your mom couldn’t get approved for an iron lung, your dad got a denial for a prosthetic hand, or they flat out won’t cover your prostate cancer because, who knows why, then UHC employees are “empowered” to just hang up on you. And management will reward them. Isn’t that fucking beautiful and charming?
Have you had your phone checked for Pegasus lately? Just thinking it might be prudent.
I live not far from an area of magnificent mansions and a characteristic of the biggest is isolation, gated entry, keep the public far away from the private paradise that money from the public has purchased. As I drive along the road looking at these huge estates I wonder what CEO of this or that company resides therein, so carefully and deliberately removed from the reality of life for the 99%.
While I appreciate Ken's resolve to publish any relevant information, this is pretty standard corporate talk for any industry in such circumstances. Really noting of note there.
In reality, almost nobody will slam on their coworker after their death. Perhaps if your boss is Bashar Al-Assad, then... maybe. So, it should be even-handed in the press, but a company will not refer to a deceased employee as one who "60% believed was a respected colleague, and 40% hated."
Hey, has anyone else noticed this? Do you know how we make fun of the bland, soulless quality of corporate PR and communications, as well as corporate talking points? My biggest exposure to this was in the 1990s when I got to write some of it myself. Anyhow, all of that stuff reminds me of AI-generated content. So, as we look at the rise of AI, perhaps one good use would be replacing top-level management with computers. If the products of their work have always looked like AI-generated content, why not simply use AI? There is still a need for leadership, so perhaps a board that could vote democratically on the suggestions. As a start.
Since the Shareholders are required to maximize profits, asap, by the legal Bylaws, this has merit! Why can’t shareholders increase profits by using AI in place of top level management? Seems prudent!