America is its own biggest problem. It is a violent state that cares little about most ordinary people. It cannot ever self-reflect and ask why these extreme acts continue to explode all over the country.
Gorka is obsessed with Islam as a predicate to terrorism (which is nonsense), but the one thing Shamsud-Din Jabbar and Matthew Alan Livelsberger had in common was extensive experience in the U.S. military.
This was Stalin’s plan in the Terror. Denounce your neighbor your co-worker, your wife….( before they denounce you). What were you denounced for? Anything vaguely resembling insufficient loyalty to the State. But both the person denouncing and the one denounced would both disappear in the night never to return. You couldn’t win. This the Terror. Welcome to Stalinism. You will be well cared for…
The biggest threat to america (yes lower case) are the radicalized bigoted white guys and fundamentalist christian right. They preach hate and intolerance in the disguise of peace and piety. They’ve attacked, (successfully, I might add) our freedom from religion, many of our civil rights, and privacy. They live fearful, hypocritical lives working hard to indoctrinate their religious beliefs into the educational system Yet cry foul when a Muslim country like Syria say they’d like to do the same thing Islamic teachings.
Trying to turn everyone into the eyes & ears of the state is just their way of breaking the trust that bonds a civil inclusive society together. It makes it much easier to instill their authoritarian world view on us all. And I fear we are all too dull witted to stop it.
Get out on the streets to protest. Write to Congress, Write to the administration. Remember last time Trump was president with separating toddlers from parents? Once people found out we all complained. The program was halted, but not before many lost their children. That is how awful the Trump administration is.
The events in New Orleans and Las Vegas were gifts to the U.S. government. Trump notwithstanding, they can beef up the security apparatus even more and fire up the “see something, say something” post-9/11 policy that has lain dormant for several years, turning the unquestioning, docile public into citizen spies. Good times. I can hardly wait. Yep.
"His rhetoric reminds me of the post-9/11 paranoia of the Bush administration, during which the national security state crept into American civic life in all sorts of ways that remain with us today. "
While it's worthwhile to call out Gorka on this, did the "See Something, Say Something" public messaging ever really leave after the Bush administration did?
Among other things, there was a mobilization of the public to report people who had participated in the January 6th riots at the capitol, to the point that you had family members turning each other in.
Wonderful, now we’re supposed to emulate the former East Germany and spy on our neighbors, rat them out to the Stasi for wrongthink. As if there aren’t enough busybodies doing that already.
I see many comments as I'm reading that talk about how there were times in the past when ideologues were encouraged to report on others without a hint of irony about covid, cancel culture that encouraged doxxing, harassment, and getting people fired for minor infractions and lots of other tattle-tale behaviors that have been happening for the past 10 years. I'm not trying to disagree here. I'm saying minding your own in most cases is the right answer no matter who sits in Washington. And, I'm saying that we can't all think alike. That's okay. What is offensive to one isn't to others and so on and so forth. Live and let live.
I guess the incoming people to our administration never heard of the New Testament and Love your Neighbor. Do not worry. We are protesting later this month in Chicago, day before inauguration, in Federal Plaza 11 AM
Is Gorka urging the invasion oF Mexico instead of Texas? We have made this mistake before. He should be aware that Trump totally eliminated ISIS in his previous administration.
America is its own biggest problem. It is a violent state that cares little about most ordinary people. It cannot ever self-reflect and ask why these extreme acts continue to explode all over the country.
Am I wrong but didn't the Nazi's encourage German citizens to turn in their Jewish neighbors?
Like many people, I grew up Catholic and have family members who are Muslim. I also have family members who are aetheists. I love them all.
That's the right attitude!
Gorka is obsessed with Islam as a predicate to terrorism (which is nonsense), but the one thing Shamsud-Din Jabbar and Matthew Alan Livelsberger had in common was extensive experience in the U.S. military.
This was Stalin’s plan in the Terror. Denounce your neighbor your co-worker, your wife….( before they denounce you). What were you denounced for? Anything vaguely resembling insufficient loyalty to the State. But both the person denouncing and the one denounced would both disappear in the night never to return. You couldn’t win. This the Terror. Welcome to Stalinism. You will be well cared for…
The biggest threat to america (yes lower case) are the radicalized bigoted white guys and fundamentalist christian right. They preach hate and intolerance in the disguise of peace and piety. They’ve attacked, (successfully, I might add) our freedom from religion, many of our civil rights, and privacy. They live fearful, hypocritical lives working hard to indoctrinate their religious beliefs into the educational system Yet cry foul when a Muslim country like Syria say they’d like to do the same thing Islamic teachings.
Trying to turn everyone into the eyes & ears of the state is just their way of breaking the trust that bonds a civil inclusive society together. It makes it much easier to instill their authoritarian world view on us all. And I fear we are all too dull witted to stop it.
What a surprise, it's religious fanaticism for me, but not for thee. Been there, done that before. Haven't we had enough?
Get out on the streets to protest. Write to Congress, Write to the administration. Remember last time Trump was president with separating toddlers from parents? Once people found out we all complained. The program was halted, but not before many lost their children. That is how awful the Trump administration is.
The events in New Orleans and Las Vegas were gifts to the U.S. government. Trump notwithstanding, they can beef up the security apparatus even more and fire up the “see something, say something” post-9/11 policy that has lain dormant for several years, turning the unquestioning, docile public into citizen spies. Good times. I can hardly wait. Yep.
"His rhetoric reminds me of the post-9/11 paranoia of the Bush administration, during which the national security state crept into American civic life in all sorts of ways that remain with us today. "
While it's worthwhile to call out Gorka on this, did the "See Something, Say Something" public messaging ever really leave after the Bush administration did?
Among other things, there was a mobilization of the public to report people who had participated in the January 6th riots at the capitol, to the point that you had family members turning each other in.
There's also reports of the mainstream media acting to assist law enforcement in tracking down unauthorized leakers, specifically Jack Teixeira.
Gorka's comments don't really strike me as a break from the recent past, but rather a continuation of it.
"Should a teacher really adopt the worldview of a Navy SEAL?"
See active shooter training in schools these days.
Good grief - I was a military wife and even I know the difference between OPSEC and Hitler Youth.
Wonderful, now we’re supposed to emulate the former East Germany and spy on our neighbors, rat them out to the Stasi for wrongthink. As if there aren’t enough busybodies doing that already.
I see many comments as I'm reading that talk about how there were times in the past when ideologues were encouraged to report on others without a hint of irony about covid, cancel culture that encouraged doxxing, harassment, and getting people fired for minor infractions and lots of other tattle-tale behaviors that have been happening for the past 10 years. I'm not trying to disagree here. I'm saying minding your own in most cases is the right answer no matter who sits in Washington. And, I'm saying that we can't all think alike. That's okay. What is offensive to one isn't to others and so on and so forth. Live and let live.
It’s great to see that Gorka can take time away from hawking supplements to lead a war against global jihadists
I guess the incoming people to our administration never heard of the New Testament and Love your Neighbor. Do not worry. We are protesting later this month in Chicago, day before inauguration, in Federal Plaza 11 AM
Is Gorka urging the invasion oF Mexico instead of Texas? We have made this mistake before. He should be aware that Trump totally eliminated ISIS in his previous administration.
The Fox News cabinet has to be among the worst cabinets.