There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.
Very on point, well stated and timely. It's very sad. I'm older but remember a time when this was exactly the sort of article I'd read in many mainstream newspapers. Papers gained reputations publishing examinations of policy like this. People took an interest. There was dialogue! It's consistent though that the politics of Israel has always been taboo. I recall a dinner party, maybe around 1980. The topic was Israel and the Palestinians. They were being driven out of somewhere, Jordan was denying them. I simply asked " where are they supposed to go". I lost friends over that. Imagine my disgust when I recently I heard Jake Tapper ask the same question! I've been saying for years that Netanyahu was a madman and would destroy Israel. He's doing it and with our support. Insane. So thanks for this today Ken and Happy Independence Day, I guess?
Those are all very important topics to get answers to from our government. I am also very concerned about the extent of secrecy that the government blithely uses to cover up basically unconstitutional policies that affect Americans on US soil negatively. It is overwhelming in its scope and intensity and very difficult to cope with and we all need answers.
I am particularly interested in delving into the post 9/11 counterterrorism measures that allow the state to strip away our rights, and the role of the CIA and FBI in implementing them. I am also concerned about the role of mainly the corporate media/or any other media in both covering up the crimes of the state, and actually participating in those crimes against American citizens.
I believe that journalists/broadcast media/many commentators participate in illegal surveillance and actual harassment of citizens through an illegal sleight of hand using The PATRIOT Act/ FISA 702/TSDB/NSLs in covering up their crimes and human rights violations.
If you have any interest in those matters, as you suggested you have in your above article, it's appreciated.
Carolyn Flanagan: Ever since Edward Snowden via Glenn Greenwald et al revealed the monitoring of Americans by the NSA, I have advocated automatic prison time for concealing illegal activities under the cloak of “classified”. Congress gave retroactive immunity to AT&T in 2005 when AT&T illegally split off communications coming into the USA... one path to the intended recipient and the other to the spy agencies but nobody went to jail.
There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.
Please sign the petition and share widely.
From CodePink:
Tell the U.S. to arrest Netanyahu for his crimes against humanity! And tell
Congress to boycott his
Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will.
Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza:
Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.
Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden:
These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.
Very on point, well stated and timely. It's very sad. I'm older but remember a time when this was exactly the sort of article I'd read in many mainstream newspapers. Papers gained reputations publishing examinations of policy like this. People took an interest. There was dialogue! It's consistent though that the politics of Israel has always been taboo. I recall a dinner party, maybe around 1980. The topic was Israel and the Palestinians. They were being driven out of somewhere, Jordan was denying them. I simply asked " where are they supposed to go". I lost friends over that. Imagine my disgust when I recently I heard Jake Tapper ask the same question! I've been saying for years that Netanyahu was a madman and would destroy Israel. He's doing it and with our support. Insane. So thanks for this today Ken and Happy Independence Day, I guess?
Secrecy preserves the White Supremacist backed components of the National Security State.
Those are all very important topics to get answers to from our government. I am also very concerned about the extent of secrecy that the government blithely uses to cover up basically unconstitutional policies that affect Americans on US soil negatively. It is overwhelming in its scope and intensity and very difficult to cope with and we all need answers.
I am particularly interested in delving into the post 9/11 counterterrorism measures that allow the state to strip away our rights, and the role of the CIA and FBI in implementing them. I am also concerned about the role of mainly the corporate media/or any other media in both covering up the crimes of the state, and actually participating in those crimes against American citizens.
I believe that journalists/broadcast media/many commentators participate in illegal surveillance and actual harassment of citizens through an illegal sleight of hand using The PATRIOT Act/ FISA 702/TSDB/NSLs in covering up their crimes and human rights violations.
If you have any interest in those matters, as you suggested you have in your above article, it's appreciated.
Carolyn Flanagan: Ever since Edward Snowden via Glenn Greenwald et al revealed the monitoring of Americans by the NSA, I have advocated automatic prison time for concealing illegal activities under the cloak of “classified”. Congress gave retroactive immunity to AT&T in 2005 when AT&T illegally split off communications coming into the USA... one path to the intended recipient and the other to the spy agencies but nobody went to jail.
We need to reassert our independence, this time from AIPAC and Israel.
We need to break the stranglehold AIPAC has on our elected officials this Independence Day 🎆
I feel bad for having the audacity to call the public stupid, lazy, uninformed, and the like, for being disengaged from Hunter’s massive hog.
I, for one, see you in these here comments, and I appreciate you, comrade.
The very first thing that needs to happen is the US needs to start living up to its principles.
America is a Managed Democracy, the security state is very happy with things as they are.
Ken you see this?
Ken, What happened to my like?