“ the major media’s obsession with decorum — we mustn't speak ill of the dead! — has rendered it unable to tell the truth…”

Perfectly said.

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These days, I'm only interested in reading journalists who can see past the veneer created by a well-paid publicist. So THANK YOU for your reporting. It's a service to us all.

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“. . . We mustn't speak ill of the dead!” Really? Unless of course it’s a disenfranchised black man or Latino or homeless individual. Then they are deserving of their demise because they once used drugs or made a bad choice in life or didn’t have enough money to impress.

Should he have murdered, certainly not. Should he be sainted? Equally not.

And BTW, keeping premiums low?! My Medicare UHC part D plan, which I have purchase, to keep coverage affordable, even though I don’t need it today; has increased 200% in two years. From <$30 to just shy of $90

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"“well liked internally” might be true of the boardroom, but not the rank-and-file." Also perfectly said ... that line succinctly captures the problem seemingly everywhere ... ugh

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A very average guy has our entire media class falling all over themselves. What makes them so servile?

Meanwhile, there was an act of violence which almost guarantees the veil of secrecy around the ruling class will tighten even further.

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Great piece, Ken. I live in Minnesota and was reading the Star Tribune’s reporting on him. It was pretty airbrushed as well 🙄 (though it at least did note the company’s problems with denying claims). It’s been wild for me since this happened, since I work in the same town Thompson lived. Apparently some of my co-workers had waited on him and all. Anyway, I appreciate the work you do and am glad I subscribe!

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Now i want your coworkers to spill the tea about waiting on this guy. 😁 Was he an a-hole to waiting staff?

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No idea lol. I work in a grocery store, and the people I mentioned are in a different department than I am. Though tbh, if he was in the store a lot, I could’ve probably waited on him without even knowing who he was

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I heard a statement on NPR today by a woman who has done a study on the Health Care System, including its wide use of AI. Apparently 90% of the clients who protest a negative decision are granted satisfaction. This is a big number. It would be interesting to know how many patients had the time, the know-how and persistence to make such a claim.

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Because he is in the same circles as most journalists - there is a sense of emotional resonance. The media covers him like they would want to be covered, airbrushing away the bad and highlighting the good. Same schools, same lovely condos, same Barry’s bootcamps or Equinoxes. Insider trading and DUI’s are just little oopsies that anyone could forgive.

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