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Jan 24·edited Jan 24Liked by Ken Klippenstein

Sound like double speak to me. :WE AREN'T AT WAR". Is there anyplace in the midde east we don't have boots on the ground, missiles on the ground, drones on the ground and may I add in the oceans and seas that surround this area. Wr are suppying armaments and tech to Ukraine and to the Israills. The USA is at war with the world and out Congress persons put money in their pockets from the payback from the defense industry and the isreal lobby IAPAC which I may add has more influence in our congress then Russia ever dreamed of. Biden/Trump (the duopoly) makes no difference folks: we are at war with the world cause it puts money in politicians pockets, puts jobs in their states and feeds our war economy . We need housing, universal health care, day care, free education, infrastructure, green energy, high speed trains, better paying jobs, higher taxation on the billionaires, but Congrress won't go their.....ever. We are surfs to the system that serves only the oligarchs. They are the kings we are their surfs. And you know why. $$$$$$$$$

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Insanity! Even just for their party's self-interest, if Democrats don't want a Trump win, they should get out of the Middle East with their military.

People are disgusted with the violence Joe Biden is supporting, and they're leaving the Democrats.

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Jan 24Liked by Ken Klippenstein

My "We're not at war in the Middle East is raising a lot of questions already answered by my shirt."

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Jan 24Liked by Ken Klippenstein

How hugely ironic that the aircraft carrier supporting all of these "non-war" and purely "defensive" war activities is named after Dwight David Eisenhower, who should be remembered above all else as the president who warned America about the potential for the rise of unchecked, undemocratic influence of the "military industrial complex." I quote:

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

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Jan 24Liked by Ken Klippenstein

If there's a silver lining, this list is liable to get a little bit shorter.

The security of all those US bases has relied firstly on the local inhabitants being too scared to push them out. That has changed. With the fear factor melting away, base defenses thus far seem to be overwhelmed by anything bigger than a salvo of a single Grad launcher . . .

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Well, if they say so.

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What’s your point here, Ken?

Your piece sounds like anti-US propaganda. Are you shilling for Putin/Russia? Are you supporting the Ayatollah of Iran & all its proxy terrorist groups? Do you support shutting down international shipping? Do you think the growth of ISIS is a good thing, that should receive no push-back? Do you support the Palestinian genocide of all Israelis that is the founding principle of Hamas? I get that you’re complaining about something. I just don’t see what corrective action you’d like to see, and how the people of the US would benefit from it.

You seem upset that the DoD says we are Not at War. Words have legal meaning. We are Not “at war,” neither legally, nor actually. We are “taking defensive measures.” If we were at war, we would be taking offensive actions. We are not. There’s actually a big difference.

So again, please explain what is upsetting you? How would you like it changed? And how would this change make the world a better and safer place?

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Can you provide some sourcing/links for follow up re recent US air strikes and/or operations out of Jordan, both regarding Hamas war or otherwise?

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Again, Bin Laden was right after the Gulf War.

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Pentagon spokesman:


The above symbol is not an ampersand.

With apologies to

Rene Magritte

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