May 25Liked by Ken Klippenstein

What if the surprise is more pictures of Hunter’s incredible hog? I need @GunPatriotMurica1957 to confirm it’s a real Hunter Hog. I’ve been fooled many times before.

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May 25Liked by Ken Klippenstein

The corporate media are the laptops of the administration and the deep state. The majority of voters are catching onto these games, which is why the corp media continues to lose eyeballs. The trend will continue and the desperate efforts to cling to the remaining eyeballs will escalate.

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you are correct, but the outcome won't be a good one. as we already see playing out. Hannah Arendt had a quote along the lines of "when all you are told are lies, the result isn't that you believe the lies but that you don't believe anything." and so here we are in an age of post-truth, god help us all.

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Ken Klippenstein

"But the article provides no evidence to support this extraordinary claim — because there is none."

That just makes it an "analysis" piece. That's how they present opinion in the news section while still claiming it's separate.

"I can see why national security officials plant these stories, but not why the media run with them."

It's to push a narrative. The same reason you gave when you left the Intercept.

"The reason so much of the news media sucks is they aren’t writing for you. They’re writing for their sources in Washington, for the industries they cover, for rich people, and for fancy awards committees. Just take a look at the ads they run: for investment banks, defense contractors, oil companies. Unless you’re in the market for any of these products, they aren’t writing for you."

There's also still a good bit of what Jon Stewart identified in 2011:

“The bias of the mainstream media is toward sensationalism, conflict and laziness.”


Anyway, great piece.

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May 25Liked by Ken Klippenstein

Thanks for being diligent Ken! Just reading the articles linked is like reading a “Dick and Jane” primer... absolutely pathetic. It took 3 contributory writers to get it wrong. Again, the lede was buried 4 paragraphs into the piece when Putin duly noted that China/Russia can also have a say in world decisions outside of the USA’s point of view. It has zero to do elections past or current.

The quotes are attributed in such a way that the same person could be responsible for ALL the quotes. Today’s journalism, excluding independent investigative journalism, is garbage wrap.

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May 25Liked by Ken Klippenstein

Why do the media run these stories? I thought Leslie Moonves made that very clear. It’s a race to the bottom (line).

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They should run Morning Joe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Same thing.

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Everything was fine until you said that Russia interfered with the 2016 election. That's pure bullshit. That's the widely debunked Russiagate which was Three Names oppo research that she used to hide/cover up/excuse her own very crappy election campaign.

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