We are run by a cabal of paid killers. This is not new, but if it seems like it, that's due to the failure of the MSM. Thankfully, there are independent journalists, such as you, Ken. Keep up the good work.
The news is a constant shock and awe and I search for something to give me a sense of agency - like I can actually do something. I think of the three Americans who self-immolated. Like the canaries in the coal mine sounding the alarm on a system that’s bound to take us all down in flames.
The foreign policy establishment has been lying to the public about non-existent "gaps" since day one of our last cold war. What disturbs me is that at least during the last cold war, the public understood that we were in danger. Foreign policy seems to be at the bottom of list for most voters. Sad and scary times. Keep up the good work.
"The Israeli state of emergency was originally authorized under Section 9 of the Law and Administration Ordinance – 1948, and has been in continuous effect in the State of Israel since then."
Since Washington takes orders from Tel Aviv, maybe we are following suit.
A colleague went to San Francisco with family. On a corner in downtown he observed a scene from hell – three humans in grotesques unnatural “frozen” (unmoving) positions (fentanyl effect).
One was standing by a bicycle with upper body horizontally lying motionlessly across bike.
Nowhere on Earth – in any city, state or country would be allowed such horror and suffering – for years. Only in Biden/Harris/Newsome America.
While Congress mega-gangster, Nancy Pelosi, literally kisses hands of Ukrainian Nazi-gangster and US vassal, Zelensky, in US Congress, while a large contingent of RINO Republicans wave Ukrainian flags – celebrating hundreds of billions dollars to Ukraine while above horrors are daily in the US. Congress demanded that showing that infamous photos are – forbidden to show (“disinformation”).
Note, that after US coup against democratically elected government of Ukraine and in the name of “defending democracy”, all parties were outlawed, opponents of Nazi-dominated imposed government started to “disappear”, all media is strictly censored and staffed with CIA-trained propagandists, Russian media is immediately forbidden in Europe and US….
We are ruled by a corrupt and criminal Biden/Harris administration. The country is now being entirely run by a slew of minions like Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken, etc. Just observe a video from the past day alone, which is outright shocking -- an absolutely wasted, mentally unfit, and enfeebled looking Biden croaking out some frail introduction to his wife, who is now heading the Cabinet meeting in his stead. It is the first Cabinet meeting since October of 2023—an entire year—and it’s being run by Jill sitting at the head of the president’s seat…
This is America today – in which CIA-DNC controlled state media in unison adores and pushes an unelected loser -- the brainless puppet “Skamala” Harris.
“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.”
-Oscar Wilde
lol, how have I never heard that one before !
We are run by a cabal of paid killers. This is not new, but if it seems like it, that's due to the failure of the MSM. Thankfully, there are independent journalists, such as you, Ken. Keep up the good work.
Glad you find it helpful !
The news is a constant shock and awe and I search for something to give me a sense of agency - like I can actually do something. I think of the three Americans who self-immolated. Like the canaries in the coal mine sounding the alarm on a system that’s bound to take us all down in flames.
hopefully one of these days i'll have good news for you all!
Oliver asking for more? The MSM’s talking heads gaslighting? “Same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was”…
charles dickens would make an excellent political commentator today
The foreign policy establishment has been lying to the public about non-existent "gaps" since day one of our last cold war. What disturbs me is that at least during the last cold war, the public understood that we were in danger. Foreign policy seems to be at the bottom of list for most voters. Sad and scary times. Keep up the good work.
Of course they need more, Pentagon‘s lost 21 trillion dollars of assets.
speaking of a national emergency, from Wikepedia:
"The Israeli state of emergency was originally authorized under Section 9 of the Law and Administration Ordinance – 1948, and has been in continuous effect in the State of Israel since then."
Since Washington takes orders from Tel Aviv, maybe we are following suit.
The Ironclad bond between our wallets and the military contractors and their friends abroad
America under criminal administration Biden/Harris and Gavin Newsam in CA
Same in Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, etc.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vc6CHRrtH8 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py65MJC8VR4
A colleague went to San Francisco with family. On a corner in downtown he observed a scene from hell – three humans in grotesques unnatural “frozen” (unmoving) positions (fentanyl effect).
One was standing by a bicycle with upper body horizontally lying motionlessly across bike.
Nowhere on Earth – in any city, state or country would be allowed such horror and suffering – for years. Only in Biden/Harris/Newsome America.
While Congress mega-gangster, Nancy Pelosi, literally kisses hands of Ukrainian Nazi-gangster and US vassal, Zelensky, in US Congress, while a large contingent of RINO Republicans wave Ukrainian flags – celebrating hundreds of billions dollars to Ukraine while above horrors are daily in the US. Congress demanded that showing that infamous photos are – forbidden to show (“disinformation”).
Note, that after US coup against democratically elected government of Ukraine and in the name of “defending democracy”, all parties were outlawed, opponents of Nazi-dominated imposed government started to “disappear”, all media is strictly censored and staffed with CIA-trained propagandists, Russian media is immediately forbidden in Europe and US….
We are ruled by a corrupt and criminal Biden/Harris administration. The country is now being entirely run by a slew of minions like Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken, etc. Just observe a video from the past day alone, which is outright shocking -- an absolutely wasted, mentally unfit, and enfeebled looking Biden croaking out some frail introduction to his wife, who is now heading the Cabinet meeting in his stead. It is the first Cabinet meeting since October of 2023—an entire year—and it’s being run by Jill sitting at the head of the president’s seat…
This is America today – in which CIA-DNC controlled state media in unison adores and pushes an unelected loser -- the brainless puppet “Skamala” Harris.
Our troops do not need to be training to go into Ukraine!!