Well, I'm sure this won't be abused on behalf of the oligarchy.

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You'd think they would use more of their investigative tools to collect the taxes that the huge multinational corporations aren't paying, or at least the personal taxes of our richest citizens. Just because that seems like it should be a thing that interests them, plus they could fund other adventures with some of the money. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to feel like my government isn't even trying to lie to me in a believable way anymore. Just raw dog everything these days.

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Can't target me if I'm unemployedand penniless, I.R.Bitch!

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Don't be so sure. They would still target you if you had no money and say you owe us on interest.

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May 9Edited

"Tired of the media’s obsession with the Trump circus while bureaucracies like the IRS run amok? Help me shine a light on what the government is doing behind the scenes by becoming a paid subscriber — Ken"

Ok I'm sold. Just became a paying subscriber. Good investigative work.

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Thanks Joe!

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When they were targeting conservatives no one seemed to care. Lois Lerner walked away scott free.

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You have effectively shown how the individual agencies can be absorbed into a completely different path than originally proposed. These non elected heads wield power while most citizens didn’t even know their sub-agency existed.

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This is true weaponization of our government. I have never felt so dissolutioned. Next they will start targeting people on Twitter. Or here.

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Could really means will.

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