"...after years of working with the Nigerian military..." Did Christopher Maeir, assistant secretary of defense for special operations.... really say "Nigerian" when speaking about the government of Niger, rather than that of Nigeria? No wonder they threw him out!
thank you so much. i was sitting here assuming my own ignorance was the problem and then trying to figure out what the adjective for of or pertaining to Nigeria was...
right. we need resources which pisses people off and creates resistance that we then call terrorists which is why we need those bases there first. just being proactive.
The point made in the “Codename of the week” section about national security specialists not being supermen is important; far too many of those pushing back on the so-called “Censorship-Industrial Complex” oversell their opponents to dramatize their fight against the powers that be.
"...after years of working with the Nigerian military..." Did Christopher Maeir, assistant secretary of defense for special operations.... really say "Nigerian" when speaking about the government of Niger, rather than that of Nigeria? No wonder they threw him out!
thank you so much. i was sitting here assuming my own ignorance was the problem and then trying to figure out what the adjective for of or pertaining to Nigeria was...
Niger—Oil and Uranium mining: https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/chinas-oil-uranium-business-niger-2023-07-31/
right. we need resources which pisses people off and creates resistance that we then call terrorists which is why we need those bases there first. just being proactive.
The point made in the “Codename of the week” section about national security specialists not being supermen is important; far too many of those pushing back on the so-called “Censorship-Industrial Complex” oversell their opponents to dramatize their fight against the powers that be.
news roundup is a great idea!