What’s with this paragraph? Russia didn’t meddle in 2016- not in the way it was reported anyway.

Following Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, which in part involved state-backed efforts to disseminate falsehoods on social media, offices tasked with combating disinformation started springing up all over the U.S. government,

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Yes, when writing about disinformation, it's probably best to not to spread disinformation.

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can they just call it a ministry of propaganda already and be done with it. we’d criticize them a lot less if they were just honest

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The older I get, the more suspect it is necessary to pass a constitutional amendment that puts all elected officials, at all time, under oath.

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Unsettling times. The government is the absolute main spreader of misinfo and disinfo and lies lies lies.

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The Ministry of Peace, which concerned itself with war. The Ministry of Love, which maintained law and order. The Ministry of Truth, which concerned itself with news, entertainment, education, and the fine arts. Its three slogans are: "War is Peace," "Freedom is Slavery," and "Ignorance is Strength."

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Would you ever consider listing your sources in an endnote to each Substack publication? Having followed your reporting for quite a while I don’t doubt your integrity, but it’s a little disappointing to have to track citations back through layers of Intercept articles with your byline to find the original sources. I think it could build reader confidence (I know it would build mine) not to have to tediously & piecemeal corroborate information here. Thanks as always for your reporting!

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How could someone write this but also be the “Intercept guy” referred to in this NewsNation interview at 9:03 -


If this is not true surely a rebuttal is due.

“A message to @kenklippenstein at @theintercept - Do the right thing and reveal who in The @CIA Office of Security leaked the health care records of whistleblower Intel veteran David Grusch.”


There’s still time to turn the tables and reveal the identity of the nefarious individual(s) concerned - which would make for a great article, entirely consistent with the one here ..especially since a lot of AARO’s budget has gone into this same “Perception Management Office”.

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We, the USA, have incorporated disinformation for decades. Disinformation is so pervasive throughout the WORLD, citizens cannot effectively discern the difference between truth or BS.

Disinformation includes “omission” of facts, developing innuendoes leading to a false narrative, and outright “ghosting”.

Do you think Radio Free Europe reports on anything that is detrimental to the sitting Administration?... and I mean Republican and Democrat. How many people understand that our space technology is not what we claim, heck, the former Soviet Union is our Uber ride to the space station going for 9 years. How many people know that Victoria Nuland’s parents were Ukrainian and she was actively involved with the Ukrainian regime change in 2014? No bias, prejudice, or emotional attachment here.

Disinformation is not new, it has only changed it’s shape and direction.

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