As a Palestinian, as someone whose entire lived existence and experiences are constantly called into question, this time feels different. I don’t know how to articulate it but I feel it. People see the manufactured world for what it is and are no longer buying the b.s. Understandably, there’s a long way to go and things seemingly get worse especially for Gaza. But this time feels different.
Yes. I am so pleased I can participate in protests, through Jewish Voice for Peace, although I am not Jewish. Look them up: they are fierce anti-Zionists. I learned of Israel's illegal actions in 1985, was shaken, appalled, and found no real community. Now, even where I live in Athens, Georgia, it is different. A suburban mom held several volunteer-run lemonade stands to benefit Gaza; she included a mint version popular in Palestine, and provided "Free Palestine" bracelets. It was a great example of the incredible grass-roots support now. Years ago someone took a tire iron to my BDS car sticker in the same town. Things are different.
We appreciate you and your efforts. Please cover the fight for open primaries. This is such a key way to break the stranglehold of the moribund two party system.
I’m a lifelong independent. We are a plurality and we are noncompliant! The mainstream media covers indies as “swing” voters, but of course people like me never vote DP or RP.
We count on journalists like you and the Breaking Points team to bring independent politics to the forefront.
I mostly agree with your excellent article, Ken. However, I must say I am still somewhat reeling at the thought that Trump will take the oath of office on January 20th. I was a mental health therapist for 40 years, and worked extensively with families of people with dementia. My own husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in the years after we retired, and died in 2023. I see Trump as not only demented, but as a dangerous predatory psychopath. He is better suited to be a mobster boss than a president. I am guessing he will not last the four years of his term, because he is clearly physically (as well as mentally) unwell. Then, we will get his noxious vice president, JD Vance (who Paul Krugman calls "JD Dance). He is beyond frightening to me, and probably others, because he has his faculties intact--though they are cruel and twisted. He is also in good physical health. My only hope is that he will be unable to hold onto the MAGA crew, because he lacks the reality show "charisma" of the president-elect. I may be tilting at windmills, but at least I have given up on WaPo and the NY Times. However, I am happy that you and your readers are here to keep me company
Happy New Year, Ken! Somehow you managed to find three positives to emerge from the worst year in my long life. Thank you for continuing to tell the truth.
A couple of things you mention involved me this year. At 74 years of age with, thankfully, my mental powers still intact, I realized that I have spent most of my life concerned with myself and my own, a typical American, I had never taken advantage of the freedom of speech I have, that all of us have as individuals, while taking it for granted.
I was powerfully reminded of this when the pro-Palestinian demonstrations happened and I watched as wealth systematically shut them down as it typically does from behind the scenes with the public ignorant of which particular millionaires are pulling the strings, just as "dark money" hides in funding election campaigns. The speed and scope (nationwide) with which this campus shutdown took place was instructive to see. Add in the nonsense about antisemitism and concern about students being made uncomfortable!!!
Sympathizing with the student protesters and seeing their plight, I decided to make use of my American right to speak my mind while standing on public property. I took up the Palestinian cause first with my voice but found I couldn't sustain it, my throat would not tolerate the volume I wanted to achieve. I then resorted to sandwich boards and stood at the entrance to Northwestern University. Hundreds of students and faculty passed me. With my Constitutional right I was able to stand there day after day. Individuals would walk up to me and thank me for my effort. It was very moving, happening daily. When Zionist harassment begin, I called the police and they came not to silence me but to tell the harassing party to depart.
What do you know, my right to free speech truly IS protected and no amount of millionaire money can get me off the street with my signs. Then why are Americans silent, so easily intimidated?
I then upped the ante and placed myself on the corner where a synagogue is located, rabbi and members of which had vehemently testified against a city ceasefire in Gaza resolution (predictably, their intimidation worked and the resolution was dropped). Are these Americans for liberty and justice for all or are they for ethnic cleansing? Being polar opposites, a person cannot be for both.
As I took up my post it was clear the congregation is for ethnic cleansing as they immediately called the police to have me ejected. The police arrived, told me they could not tell me to leave, but that "people are uncomfortable" with what I am doing. Oh yeah? Well there are some very uncomfortable Gazans and 50,000+ dead no longer able to be uncomfortable. And President Biden is a Zionist. That makes me very uncomfortable, the president a professed traitor to the founding principle of the United States.
So I remain at my synagogue vigil, the rabbi and congregation invited to join me with my PALESTINIAN LIVES MATTER sign. Six weeks now, nobody has come out to join me, but the public response has been overwhelmingly positive - 10 to 1 - and the negative is what you would expect of people who hate, lots of profanity, obscene gestures, someone even jumped out of a car and stole my Palestinian flag.
This is by far the most significant political act of my life, educational for me and for the public. I am expanding my effort online, on Substack to direct people to my blog which I call "Daylight Between America and Israel". Is it possible my action can be duplicated all over the country on street corners? Can you imagine the impact, individual Americans speaking out and untouchable by wealth? How about you, dear reader? Unions can be broken, any group of people like the campus protesters can be suppressed, but individuals standing alone? Protected by law!
The Substack intro is here: with the single post titled "Breaking the Grip of Zionism in America" with a link to the blog.
I don't intend to post on Substack, only on the blog. Starting tomorrow I will be advertising the link on a sandwich board as I stand on the street corner. Might I get something started? I want liberty and justice again, I want my country back from Zionism and with Trump installed it is a tall order. I don't have many years left, but I can't think of a better use of my time.
Comments at the blog are welcome but you can be sure there will be no personal attacks or profanity, something I expect from the opposition.
For me, 2024 has been a very good year as I dedicate my effort to speaking for the helpless who are freezing and dying as I write. Liberty and justice for all includes Palestinians.
A belated thanks for your unstinting've inspired me to consider what more I can do. I'm so grateful for the time and effort you have put into this cause since, at least, 2010 when I see that you began your blog. You put all of us to shame. Again, thank you.
Thank you, Deborah. The personal interactions I have on the street corner and the heartfelt thanks that I get from people who have been feeling so helpless and alone are inspiring. Early on two young women wearing headscarves came up to me and said that what I am doing gives them hope. That made my day and every day I am out there on the corner something similarly rewarding occurs. I could not otherwise sleep at night knowing that my own country is fully supporting slaughter and now even the death from cold of babies in the awful rain-soaked tent camps in Gaza. If Americans truly feel remorse for what the US did to native-Americans, now is the time to show that remorse is real by renouncing what we are doing to the Palestinians. Liberty and justice for all have nothing to do with ethnic cleansing, not then, not now.
Thanks for what you do to report news worth reading, on real issues. I had given up on the mainstream media nine years ago, and despaired of ever having real journalism again.
FWIW, the turning point for me to becoming a paid subscriber was when the FBI harassed you for reporting on the Vance dossier. It was a sad day when I realized (before now) that the FBI is just another political tool to be used at will by the powers that be. That, and to now be part of the giant national "security" behemoth that has joined with and become a part of the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower tried to warn us about.
Lee, I like to think I have a healthy skepticism of the national security state but even I was shocked at their audacity when they paid me that visit. What pissed me off the most was their refusal to acknowledge or memorialize any of it publicly - like if you're gonna do that, at least stand by it, you know? Anyhow, that kind of arrogance is exactly why I keep an eye on them. Happy new year!
Yes, Jesus was a Palestinian. Bethlehem is in Palestine.
What do know about these indigenous, semitic people?
They have lived for millennia with Jews and Christians. They are poets and doctors. They came to understand contagion during the time known as “the dark ages,” in the west. Washing hands between patients saved a lot of lives.
They value education and always score near or at the top of the most educated in the world. Twelve year olds understand calculus, algorithms, etc.
Marwin Barghouti, is considered the Palestinian Mandela, he learned Hebrew during his decades in Israeli jails,where he still lives.
We need to know these things to untangle what is knotted.
One of the big reasons I was able to see through all the mendacity thrust upon us is you. I am down to a handful of independent journalists/sites I find trustworthy. Your work is appreciated. Can't wait to see what kind of shit you stir up this year.
When you started your Substack I promised to become a paid subscriber once I was able to. I’m proud to say I kept my promise. Cheers to you Ken and keep up the much needed reporting. Happy Last Year and New Year!
It’s kinda weird for me to see all these charges to various accounts showing up. An unalloyed pleasure though, knowing what I’m supporting.
After losing the rags I went kinda nuts and joined as many favorite writers as I could. When I ditch Directv this year, it’ll be a pleasure to add on. How else can I spend more time with my wisecracks in the comments?
2024 will be remembered as the year our tax dollars subsidized the Zionist plot to reshape the Holy Land and force Christians out of the occupied birthplace of Jesus H. F'n Christ
As a Palestinian, as someone whose entire lived existence and experiences are constantly called into question, this time feels different. I don’t know how to articulate it but I feel it. People see the manufactured world for what it is and are no longer buying the b.s. Understandably, there’s a long way to go and things seemingly get worse especially for Gaza. But this time feels different.
yes, I agree completely. It's difficult to articulate but something is happening.
Yes. I am so pleased I can participate in protests, through Jewish Voice for Peace, although I am not Jewish. Look them up: they are fierce anti-Zionists. I learned of Israel's illegal actions in 1985, was shaken, appalled, and found no real community. Now, even where I live in Athens, Georgia, it is different. A suburban mom held several volunteer-run lemonade stands to benefit Gaza; she included a mint version popular in Palestine, and provided "Free Palestine" bracelets. It was a great example of the incredible grass-roots support now. Years ago someone took a tire iron to my BDS car sticker in the same town. Things are different.
We appreciate you and your efforts. Please cover the fight for open primaries. This is such a key way to break the stranglehold of the moribund two party system.
Thank you, Marian!
I’m a lifelong independent. We are a plurality and we are noncompliant! The mainstream media covers indies as “swing” voters, but of course people like me never vote DP or RP.
We count on journalists like you and the Breaking Points team to bring independent politics to the forefront.
Thanks for listening! ✊🕊️🥂
I mostly agree with your excellent article, Ken. However, I must say I am still somewhat reeling at the thought that Trump will take the oath of office on January 20th. I was a mental health therapist for 40 years, and worked extensively with families of people with dementia. My own husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in the years after we retired, and died in 2023. I see Trump as not only demented, but as a dangerous predatory psychopath. He is better suited to be a mobster boss than a president. I am guessing he will not last the four years of his term, because he is clearly physically (as well as mentally) unwell. Then, we will get his noxious vice president, JD Vance (who Paul Krugman calls "JD Dance). He is beyond frightening to me, and probably others, because he has his faculties intact--though they are cruel and twisted. He is also in good physical health. My only hope is that he will be unable to hold onto the MAGA crew, because he lacks the reality show "charisma" of the president-elect. I may be tilting at windmills, but at least I have given up on WaPo and the NY Times. However, I am happy that you and your readers are here to keep me company
Very sorry to hear about your husband, Kate. But I'm grateful you're here and for your support. Hope you have a pleasant 2025!
Thank you, Ken! I am feeling more hopeful being a part of your honest, intelligent, no shit Substack group.
Thanks for your hard work in 2024!
Thanks for subscribing! It feels like such a privilege to get to do this kind of work
Happy New Year, Ken! Somehow you managed to find three positives to emerge from the worst year in my long life. Thank you for continuing to tell the truth.
I'm very sorry it was a bad year for you, Susan. Hope 2025 is better!
Thank you for your work in the past year, Ken.
A couple of things you mention involved me this year. At 74 years of age with, thankfully, my mental powers still intact, I realized that I have spent most of my life concerned with myself and my own, a typical American, I had never taken advantage of the freedom of speech I have, that all of us have as individuals, while taking it for granted.
I was powerfully reminded of this when the pro-Palestinian demonstrations happened and I watched as wealth systematically shut them down as it typically does from behind the scenes with the public ignorant of which particular millionaires are pulling the strings, just as "dark money" hides in funding election campaigns. The speed and scope (nationwide) with which this campus shutdown took place was instructive to see. Add in the nonsense about antisemitism and concern about students being made uncomfortable!!!
Sympathizing with the student protesters and seeing their plight, I decided to make use of my American right to speak my mind while standing on public property. I took up the Palestinian cause first with my voice but found I couldn't sustain it, my throat would not tolerate the volume I wanted to achieve. I then resorted to sandwich boards and stood at the entrance to Northwestern University. Hundreds of students and faculty passed me. With my Constitutional right I was able to stand there day after day. Individuals would walk up to me and thank me for my effort. It was very moving, happening daily. When Zionist harassment begin, I called the police and they came not to silence me but to tell the harassing party to depart.
What do you know, my right to free speech truly IS protected and no amount of millionaire money can get me off the street with my signs. Then why are Americans silent, so easily intimidated?
I then upped the ante and placed myself on the corner where a synagogue is located, rabbi and members of which had vehemently testified against a city ceasefire in Gaza resolution (predictably, their intimidation worked and the resolution was dropped). Are these Americans for liberty and justice for all or are they for ethnic cleansing? Being polar opposites, a person cannot be for both.
As I took up my post it was clear the congregation is for ethnic cleansing as they immediately called the police to have me ejected. The police arrived, told me they could not tell me to leave, but that "people are uncomfortable" with what I am doing. Oh yeah? Well there are some very uncomfortable Gazans and 50,000+ dead no longer able to be uncomfortable. And President Biden is a Zionist. That makes me very uncomfortable, the president a professed traitor to the founding principle of the United States.
So I remain at my synagogue vigil, the rabbi and congregation invited to join me with my PALESTINIAN LIVES MATTER sign. Six weeks now, nobody has come out to join me, but the public response has been overwhelmingly positive - 10 to 1 - and the negative is what you would expect of people who hate, lots of profanity, obscene gestures, someone even jumped out of a car and stole my Palestinian flag.
This is by far the most significant political act of my life, educational for me and for the public. I am expanding my effort online, on Substack to direct people to my blog which I call "Daylight Between America and Israel". Is it possible my action can be duplicated all over the country on street corners? Can you imagine the impact, individual Americans speaking out and untouchable by wealth? How about you, dear reader? Unions can be broken, any group of people like the campus protesters can be suppressed, but individuals standing alone? Protected by law!
My blog is here: started in 2010, but now dedicated to the vigil.
The Substack intro is here: with the single post titled "Breaking the Grip of Zionism in America" with a link to the blog.
I don't intend to post on Substack, only on the blog. Starting tomorrow I will be advertising the link on a sandwich board as I stand on the street corner. Might I get something started? I want liberty and justice again, I want my country back from Zionism and with Trump installed it is a tall order. I don't have many years left, but I can't think of a better use of my time.
Comments at the blog are welcome but you can be sure there will be no personal attacks or profanity, something I expect from the opposition.
For me, 2024 has been a very good year as I dedicate my effort to speaking for the helpless who are freezing and dying as I write. Liberty and justice for all includes Palestinians.
Glad you're still in good health, Clif, and politically engaged to boot. Happy New Year!
A belated thanks for your unstinting've inspired me to consider what more I can do. I'm so grateful for the time and effort you have put into this cause since, at least, 2010 when I see that you began your blog. You put all of us to shame. Again, thank you.
Thank you, Deborah. The personal interactions I have on the street corner and the heartfelt thanks that I get from people who have been feeling so helpless and alone are inspiring. Early on two young women wearing headscarves came up to me and said that what I am doing gives them hope. That made my day and every day I am out there on the corner something similarly rewarding occurs. I could not otherwise sleep at night knowing that my own country is fully supporting slaughter and now even the death from cold of babies in the awful rain-soaked tent camps in Gaza. If Americans truly feel remorse for what the US did to native-Americans, now is the time to show that remorse is real by renouncing what we are doing to the Palestinians. Liberty and justice for all have nothing to do with ethnic cleansing, not then, not now.
You've inspired me to get into action with an idea I've had for months. Time to do it.
Happy New Year, Ken. I hope this year brings you more paid subscribers and that you scoop the hell out of main stream media.
Thank you, Lori! Fortunately the mainstream media makes it easy for me to scoop them 😂
Thanks for what you do to report news worth reading, on real issues. I had given up on the mainstream media nine years ago, and despaired of ever having real journalism again.
FWIW, the turning point for me to becoming a paid subscriber was when the FBI harassed you for reporting on the Vance dossier. It was a sad day when I realized (before now) that the FBI is just another political tool to be used at will by the powers that be. That, and to now be part of the giant national "security" behemoth that has joined with and become a part of the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower tried to warn us about.
Lee, I like to think I have a healthy skepticism of the national security state but even I was shocked at their audacity when they paid me that visit. What pissed me off the most was their refusal to acknowledge or memorialize any of it publicly - like if you're gonna do that, at least stand by it, you know? Anyhow, that kind of arrogance is exactly why I keep an eye on them. Happy new year!
Yes, Jesus was a Palestinian. Bethlehem is in Palestine.
What do know about these indigenous, semitic people?
They have lived for millennia with Jews and Christians. They are poets and doctors. They came to understand contagion during the time known as “the dark ages,” in the west. Washing hands between patients saved a lot of lives.
They value education and always score near or at the top of the most educated in the world. Twelve year olds understand calculus, algorithms, etc.
Marwin Barghouti, is considered the Palestinian Mandela, he learned Hebrew during his decades in Israeli jails,where he still lives.
We need to know these things to untangle what is knotted.
Jesus was born of a Jewish mother and lived as a Jew.
I'm not sure what point you're making, and I have no idea about Jesus, but you should be aware that there are Palestinian Jewish people.
Appreciate your reporting as prescribed in first amendment. Are you a muckraker 🙂? Happy New Year.
doing my best to be worthy of the title! happy new year, gordy
Well done Ken. Keep the pressure on them all - especially the billionaire class.
Gonna try my best, Kristi!
One of the big reasons I was able to see through all the mendacity thrust upon us is you. I am down to a handful of independent journalists/sites I find trustworthy. Your work is appreciated. Can't wait to see what kind of shit you stir up this year.
Ah man that's so gratifying to hear. Happy New Year, Clayton!
When you started your Substack I promised to become a paid subscriber once I was able to. I’m proud to say I kept my promise. Cheers to you Ken and keep up the much needed reporting. Happy Last Year and New Year!
Thanks so much for making good on your promise, Jannice. Hope you have a great 2025!
After this year I have hope.
I also left the Intercept to come here. Great reporting, Ken.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Lori. Subscribers like you saved me. Happy new year!
It’s kinda weird for me to see all these charges to various accounts showing up. An unalloyed pleasure though, knowing what I’m supporting.
After losing the rags I went kinda nuts and joined as many favorite writers as I could. When I ditch Directv this year, it’ll be a pleasure to add on. How else can I spend more time with my wisecracks in the comments?
2024 will be remembered as the year our tax dollars subsidized the Zionist plot to reshape the Holy Land and force Christians out of the occupied birthplace of Jesus H. F'n Christ