Won't miss seeing the last of him. I did note that this sentence needs another detail:

"...now the Taliban are again building their medieval society," Let me add, FWIW: .. and eliminating 99% of the opium crop that had ramped up under the decades of US active involvement there, after the Taliban had eradicated it prior to that invasion. One doesn't have to like them, but that's a remarkable achievement, one that no other country, apparently is capable of, especially those more close to home.

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“No one knows all the answers." Biden doesn't even know the questions.

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For a purported foreign policy genius, Biden has certainly mucked it up. That’s my comment.

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He’s been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision made since he joined the Congress. His legacy will be WWIII

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It has been widely reported that about 40,000 American soldiers are in the Middle East "area". I seriously doubt most Americans realize this fact. Occasionally, we will get a report that a drone or rocket has impacted a certain group stationed in the Middle East. Such as the base and soldiers in Jordan. Seems like we are spread out and very vulnerable. Postings like these are nowhere near being discussed and debated here in our country like they should be. If Israel doesn't drag the US into their war with Hezbollah. Then an attack or bomb on some of our soldiers probably will. That 40,000 number, by the way. Doesn't include any of the sailors and marines stationed on waters surrounding the Middle East. There is at least one marine ready group, an aircraft carrier with corresponding ships and subs, and another aircraft carrier group on the way.

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Lee Fang reported that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has asked the IDF to not target or kill our citizens or military personnel in Lebanon. How pathetic is it that we have to ask our purported ally, the one we are supporting, arming and funding, to not kill our people.

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Instead of indiscriminately blowing everything to smithereens; keep an eye out for Our Guys 🙄

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Jeffrey: I clearly heard Biden, during the debate, saying we have no combat troops in the Middle East. I mean, this guy is sharp as a tack therefore you must be mistaken.

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It's a good piece but "Putin's War" which is really the US's war is a failure for the US but not for Russia. Starting with Syria, Russia said enough is enough. And they've been pretty successful. When you consider that the US has mustered many (but not all) of our vassals in a failed effort to isolate Russia. The net result? Russia's economy is growing and the EU and UK's isn't. And don't forget, which you are, that Russia had a peace agreement with the Ukies that we scuppered.

I would like to add that, as Joy in HK said in a well deserved swipe at the doddering old fool, and now the Taliban are again building their medieval society.... For some reason, I always thought the point of a democracy was to give the people the kind of government THEY wanted and not the kind of government that the doddering old fool in Washington wants them to have. And a wise man by the name of Chou En Lai listed 5 principles for peaceful coexistence one of which is – the non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign nations.

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Elsewhere, some are taking liberties with Kipling's "The Lesson":

I could not dig: so I dared to rob:

Therefore I lied to please the mob.

When my lies are proved untrue

I'll be dead and so will you.

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“The U.S. continues to conduct aerial assassinations and covert operations from neighboring countries like Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, part of what Washington euphemistically calls an “over the horizon” campaign. On paper, the administration says there are no U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and that’s technically true. But U.S. military personnel simply operate under covert task forces, directed from Qatar, and aided by duplicitous Middle East “partners.” Such is the reality  of warfare these days: politicians can say no boots on the ground and no one is in combat even while it is patently untrue.”

Fair. But this is nothing new. This is how covert operations works. I’m under the impression you’re not a stranger to special access programs or the IC. This blurb from your latest post caught me off-guard a bit. I’m not talking about the moral or ethical implications or partisan. Simply put — This is not a deviation from the normal business as usual of government.

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He was always just a common criminal.

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Sadly another embarrassment.

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