The only way to constrain Israel is for organized labor within the U.S. to rediscover the meaning of solidarity and force Washington to end the expanding genocide. Several labor leaders have recently emerged victorious after publicly challenging capital. Could they—and this revolting moment in global affairs—help labor rediscover its power? https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/we-the-people-can-unplug-the-war

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Our entire foreign policy is one big shrug unless we want to overthrow a foreign government (Pakistan) or interfere with their elections, then shit gets real.

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Except for Israel and that because our Congress is corrupt and Zionism has the wealthiest political donors of all. Miriam Adelson openly buys Trump for $100 million, just as her husband bought the US embassy in Jerusalem from Trump when he was president. Money rules and is quite open about it. See "The Master Plan" for the details in how this came to be.


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I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m tired of being treated like an idiot by the current administration. I’m also tired of being scolded and/or shamed for refusing to vote for Harris or Trump. Neither candidate has earned my support.

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Susan, I know what you mean. I am posting myself at the entry to the early voting polling station with a large sign "WRITE IN JILL STEIN" and I greet those arriving with a simple phrase "end the slaughter". If someone attempts to start a confrontation, I start saying the Pledge of Allegiance. It works. Stein won't win, I may not be getting anyone to write her in, but I'll be damned if I am going to sit and do nothing at this lowest point in American history when people are being slaughtered with American weapons with no end in sight. Netanyahu may be the US commander in chief and Biden may be a Zionist but they along with the host of Zionist megadonors cannot stop me from publicly objecting.

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Good for you. I don’t remember a campaign period filled with this amount of vitriol, and I go back to Truman. It boggles my mind that everyone isn’t as angry as we are.

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Exactly! I have stood on the street corner at the center of my city with my signs and though occasionally I will get someone to come up and thank me, I am astounded that I stand alone for liberty and justice for all as hundreds of people walk by oblivious. People just go about their day as if we aren't aiding a killing spree by Israel and at the point of war with Iran. Americans have the luxury of being able to not pay no attention to the chaos in the world that our country promotes. It is a luxury the Europeans do not have, having known terrible destruction on their home soil. I would say we are spoiled, rotten.

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I hope it's NOT the end -- of the planet.

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The old European colonies were never portrayed as anything other than intrusions into distant lands. Israel, the last colony, is different in that it insists it is not the intrusion that it is, but rightfully sitting on the land taken from the natives, a non-people of no consequence. This is why it has always pushed "the right to defend itself" as it violates the sovereignty of neighboring countries with impunity, Iran in particular.

As I read about the exchanges between Iran and Israel, the history of it is never revealed, instead the presentation is always that Iran has attacked Israel and the poor victim absolutely must respond.

Netanyahu thinks he is on a roll, delighting in the destruction and conquest of yet more land taken from the natives. He thinks he is invincible with the US behind him. I am put in mind of the early days of Hitler's conquests. Germany had the best army in the world equipped with the latest and best weaponry. Getting to Paris was a cakewalk, Britain was on the back foot. Germans were ecstatic. The thrust to the east was running strong, Stalin's forces crumbling before the Wehrmacht. The same string of might crushing all before it is on display with Israel now.

Then, things began to go wrong. Hitler's lack of restraint, his unwillingness to call a halt to the devastation he was spreading pushed even mighty Germany beyond its capabilities and he ended up in his bunker, with even Berlin lost.

Tel Aviv will not be lost to military might, but Israel is sealing its fate by going beyond what the world will tolerate from a tiny country almost joyously killing and destroying all about, thinking they are destroying avatars of the Nazis, drunk on self-righteousness.

Just as any high regard for the US after WW2 is now gone, so is any sympathy engendered by the holocaust for Israel gone. Netanyahu doesn't realize it, but he has descended with his country deep into the mud from which it cannot be freed by any amount of military might. The dire consequences for Israel of this second holocaust it is directing are to come.

Iran, wisely, is not taking the bait and will continue to exist, a flaw in Netanyahu's dream that he will find intolerable but unchangeable, the foe he cannot reduce. All Iran has to do is be patient and show what Hitler did not and Netanyahu does not: restraint.

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There are those inside Israel who stand for justice and humanity, made up of committed Israelis and Palestinians working together to protect the Palestinians. We need to give them all the support we can. They are taking huge risks.

Work on the Ground: Transforming Lives in Israel-Palestine — American Friends of Combatants for Peace


CfP’s Solidarity in Action Campaign: https://drove.com/.2Mcf

For factual information:


Teach-in Network educating for justice


Gush Shalom has been on the side of peace for many years:


Breaking the Silence


New Israel Fund






Other organizations working for justice, and an end to occupation in Palestine


Christian organisations:






Jewish-secular organisations:



If now now


These are only some of the courageous groups working for justice in Palestine. They all need y/our support now, perhaps more than ever. How can we allow this to continue?

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It freaks me out when a president "hopes" for something of this magnitude.

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This is the corporate-controlled (fascist) government we have. Both parties are complicit. SMH

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Biden is Bibi's butt boy in this, though he only has 2 brain cells still working. His only achievement in 50 years of politics is lasting 50 years without acomplishing anything for the country

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