This is very disturbing.

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No it’s not...

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To you, it’s not*

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You have a funny name🤡

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*You* find it funny. Good for you. :-)

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The attacks by Israel on Gaza have produce the highest continuous day after day death rate ever seen in recorded history! Israel should NOT be given weaponry to sustain, or even increase these death rates! This is no longer war! This is slaughter, ethnic cleansing and total disregard for international law and the rules of warfare!

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He is under International Central Banking System controls...thru their DoS and DoD...he isn't doing this on his own. That's not how we roll.

Bankers control who gets and what they get and when they get it.

All conflicts we are currently involved in are big money makers for the Banking System that finances it all. US has been muscle for them since 1945...lots of wars and regime changes since then

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Gangsters of Capitalism

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Banking System are the pimps.

Politicians are the prostitutes.

Serfs are the Johns

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He’s fulfilling Trump’s goal of segueing from a nation that fights wars with our own troops to one that is just an arm dealer to our allies.

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War machine. This is where your taxes go, why you are in debt, why the dollar gets weaker and weaker.

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Apparently Biden considers any threat to Israel as a threat to the US, essentially making ourselves one with Israel, an aggressive colonizer led by an aspiring dictator. This is going in the opposite direction Bernie urges, which I think is reasonable middle ground.

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Never again will I vote for neocon duopoly candidates


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Nice capital city you got there. Be ashamed if something vaporized it? Oops, there are 37 cruise missiles approaching your nuclear plants; we can get you the self-destruct codes, wholesale!

So you don't like Venezuela? Who does, They got all the prettiest girls & best oil; but do they SHARE? Let's see what we can do to nudge them a teensy bit?

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Frightening, isn't it. Yet typical.

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Outstanding reporting

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TL:DR the plan is to start a war on Iran.

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Biden giving Bibi carte blanche to the WRSA-I , makes about as much sense as Dylan Klebold's parents giving him the key to the gun safe. If someone thinks that Bibi and Israel's belligerence would end at the annexation of Gaza and the West Bank, would make that someone a great candidate for a case study in unethical amnesia.

Genocidal Joe has got to go!

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Isn t the US Government complicit enough already with the genocide in Palestine? When will you stop.

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no vote November 2024

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What exactly does that mean? Do you think President Trump will say no to a war? What if they offer him or Jared a taste?

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Ken I went to the Intercept to read your story. Their sign up page isn't working.

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