Sweet. New acronyms to add to my twitter poisoned brain. I'd be terrified if I hadn't sworn to never read.

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Never read is a wise policy (as long as you subscribe of course)

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Since before you quit, Mr. Krassenstein

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If you didn't think that you were living in authoritarian police state before, here's your wake up call. The worst part is that for the most part the two parties are the same except for which oligarchs fund and control them. Oh, and which social issue they wish to foist on us - which is actually none of their business

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Doesn't seem consistent to want more investigation of the alt-right (whose anti-semitism is baked in) and want less investigation of the murky set calling for "ceasefire" ?

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Excellent piece! You highlighted the intricacies within the federal bureaucratic “creep” whereas the scope of any agency can morph like a Gumby..

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Defending constitutional free speech is great, but don't be an unwitting "useful idiot" for the Islamo-fascists and anti-semites. Big Oil has an undue influence in our public media and too many of our elected representatives.

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The idea of Fed police arresting taxpayers in the defense of government property is the tail wagging the dog until it dies of suffocation.

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1. Cancellation of the graduations is despicable and cowardly on the part of the colleges. The parents of the graduating students should demand a full refund of the tuition.

2. Protesting is fine, taking over a building is absurd.

3. We told you the FBI, DOJ, etc were going overboard with their overreach but we(MAGA) were labeled domestic terrorists. Now they they are investigating the left, now it's not good. Tough titty. It tastes like shit doesn't it?

4. Personally, I'm glad this is all coming out in the open for everyone to see the toxicity in academia. It's been there for years in the shadows. One thing about darkness, it cannot survive in the light. Everything is shown in the light.

5. It would be nice if our President had the balls say we are fighting to get our hostages free.

Have a good evening...

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Most of our universities and their leadership are morally bankrupt, have no integrity, and routinely sacrifice traditional academic values for the almighty dollar. Pursuit of funding drives most of their decisions. They offer majors and degrees that offer no prospects of employment, and useful-sounding degrees, surveys (Pew Center, educational testing service) have shown that many graduates cannot perform the work one would assume. Few exceptions out there, and we should congratulate and support those brave institutions.

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