It is a shame that Warren walked back that comment which is the only sane sensible response to the situation. It is a crisis and people can only be pushed but so far.
We might question how sensible Sen. Warren’s comment was. Blow back and spin were inevitable. Regardless of its sanity or sensibility, it was truthful. But when last did anyone really want the truth, particularly the uber wealthy and their “lobbyists” the politicians?
We live in silos, be they political, economic, religious or racial. It limits our ability to have empathy or connection, understanding of those outside our silo(s). Again I think that’s particularly true of the wealthy class. How can they understand homelessness or medical poverty when they an army of staff twisting tax laws so they don’t pay an extra $100k or $1m on the recent $100m they earned typical at the gen-pops expense?
Very fair point - but it was a great starting point for any politician who truly empathizes with their constituency to impresses upon the CEO class that this is valid anger and it is across the board. Their business decisions have real world consequences- not just for the random CEO that caught an assassin's attention - but for 95% percent of us. And these people are so unanimously angry that they made light of a death publicly.
NOT acknowledging that or standing by that acknowledgment just reinforces the bleak reality that almost all politicians crave corporate approval over constituent's approval. Even the "good" ones. Where does that leave us? :(
And in the absence of any other way to get their feelings across, Americans voted in someone who promises them he’ll turn Washington upside down. Which he never does anything but line his pockets, but to them its better than more of the same.
Again I think of a parallel to the "murder is wrong" refuge. It is the constant cry that "Israel has the right to defend itself" which ignores the fact that that country has been the aggressor since it began in 1948. Over the history of Israel, increased in particular in the last year, the ratio of Israeli (colonist) dead to Palestinian (native) dead is 1:50. How is that defense? .
What this phony defense claim hides is what no other country in the world enjoys...
Israel has the right to disregard any international law
Israel has the right to unlimited occupation
Israel has the right to any weapons in the US inventory
Israel has the right to take as much land as it wishes any time it wishes
Israel has the right to attack any neighboring country at will
Israel has the right to install members of Congress without it being called foreign interference
Israel has the right of slaughter and demolition without limit
Israel has the right to starve the Palestinians and prevent aid to them
At some point, the entire shebang will come to a crashing halt. It's already on its way. Having a for profit healthcare system is not working out and unsustainable.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."
Waiting for the next shoe to drop in the CEO assassination saga. Sure, they floated a CEO "hotline", but the Racket's security-surveillance state is probably going to use this in a way that we haven't grasped the insidiousness of yet. Wouldn't surprise me at all to see a federal RFP drop on for the development an AI platform to be integrated with Medicare and insurance databases to flag people who get denied and automatically integrate the entry with some Palantir system used by law enforcement. Maybe integrated within a larger AI-driven "Precrime" system like in "Minority Report" - but only for crimes that might threaten rich people.
I had totally forgotten that Brother Ali song; I wanna say it got censored at YouTube around 10 years ago, but I could be misremembering. Shout out to North Star State hip hop - Atmosphere used to be in da house all the time.
P.S. I was using "the Racket" in the sense of Matt Kennard's book, not Matt Taibbi's Substack. Speaking of the latter Matt, I was disappointed in his take on the Luigi Mangione thing yesterday.
Since 10/7/23, I view everything through a different lens. Many of the same people who decry the murder of Brian Thompson are silent as the U.S. continues to be complicit in the genocide. And while Elizabeth Warren’s statement was appropriate, she took the coward’s way out and walked it back. Wouldn’t it be amazing to find more than a couple politicians who have the courage of their convictions?
”Maybe next they could teach us how to play patty cake and speak with inside voices!”
You’ve captured the perfect illustration of the condescension coming from our dear leaders. I’ve told my husband countless times that I’m tired of being spoken to like I’m a preschooler. (I should know how that sounds, as I’ve worked as a preschool teacher.) I could respect them more if they would be upfront with their contempt for us.
Power will circle the wagons if they sense the herd are getting nervous. The first six months of this next administration will go a long way towards deciding whether there is a full on stampede.
We can call Warren and let her know she was right, people are pissed. Anger and hopelessness over the lack of accountability and unfairness clearly can result in violence. These BS "Buying Silence" Billionaires and Corp CEOs are right to be afraid of what they've created.
It is a shame that Warren walked back that comment which is the only sane sensible response to the situation. It is a crisis and people can only be pushed but so far.
yeah, insane.
We might question how sensible Sen. Warren’s comment was. Blow back and spin were inevitable. Regardless of its sanity or sensibility, it was truthful. But when last did anyone really want the truth, particularly the uber wealthy and their “lobbyists” the politicians?
We live in silos, be they political, economic, religious or racial. It limits our ability to have empathy or connection, understanding of those outside our silo(s). Again I think that’s particularly true of the wealthy class. How can they understand homelessness or medical poverty when they an army of staff twisting tax laws so they don’t pay an extra $100k or $1m on the recent $100m they earned typical at the gen-pops expense?
Very fair point - but it was a great starting point for any politician who truly empathizes with their constituency to impresses upon the CEO class that this is valid anger and it is across the board. Their business decisions have real world consequences- not just for the random CEO that caught an assassin's attention - but for 95% percent of us. And these people are so unanimously angry that they made light of a death publicly.
NOT acknowledging that or standing by that acknowledgment just reinforces the bleak reality that almost all politicians crave corporate approval over constituent's approval. Even the "good" ones. Where does that leave us? :(
And in the absence of any other way to get their feelings across, Americans voted in someone who promises them he’ll turn Washington upside down. Which he never does anything but line his pockets, but to them its better than more of the same.
Again I think of a parallel to the "murder is wrong" refuge. It is the constant cry that "Israel has the right to defend itself" which ignores the fact that that country has been the aggressor since it began in 1948. Over the history of Israel, increased in particular in the last year, the ratio of Israeli (colonist) dead to Palestinian (native) dead is 1:50. How is that defense? .
What this phony defense claim hides is what no other country in the world enjoys...
Israel has the right to disregard any international law
Israel has the right to unlimited occupation
Israel has the right to any weapons in the US inventory
Israel has the right to take as much land as it wishes any time it wishes
Israel has the right to attack any neighboring country at will
Israel has the right to install members of Congress without it being called foreign interference
Israel has the right of slaughter and demolition without limit
Israel has the right to starve the Palestinians and prevent aid to them
At some point, the entire shebang will come to a crashing halt. It's already on its way. Having a for profit healthcare system is not working out and unsustainable.
Where's Madame Defarge when you need her?
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."
Waiting for the next shoe to drop in the CEO assassination saga. Sure, they floated a CEO "hotline", but the Racket's security-surveillance state is probably going to use this in a way that we haven't grasped the insidiousness of yet. Wouldn't surprise me at all to see a federal RFP drop on for the development an AI platform to be integrated with Medicare and insurance databases to flag people who get denied and automatically integrate the entry with some Palantir system used by law enforcement. Maybe integrated within a larger AI-driven "Precrime" system like in "Minority Report" - but only for crimes that might threaten rich people.
I had totally forgotten that Brother Ali song; I wanna say it got censored at YouTube around 10 years ago, but I could be misremembering. Shout out to North Star State hip hop - Atmosphere used to be in da house all the time.
P.S. I was using "the Racket" in the sense of Matt Kennard's book, not Matt Taibbi's Substack. Speaking of the latter Matt, I was disappointed in his take on the Luigi Mangione thing yesterday.
Please look at the photo of LM's perpetrator walk uncropped so the indicted mayor includes himself. Remember when mayors of NYC were busy?
Since 10/7/23, I view everything through a different lens. Many of the same people who decry the murder of Brian Thompson are silent as the U.S. continues to be complicit in the genocide. And while Elizabeth Warren’s statement was appropriate, she took the coward’s way out and walked it back. Wouldn’t it be amazing to find more than a couple politicians who have the courage of their convictions?
Good pull on the Brother Ali quote, he's seriously underrated.
such a gem
”Maybe next they could teach us how to play patty cake and speak with inside voices!”
You’ve captured the perfect illustration of the condescension coming from our dear leaders. I’ve told my husband countless times that I’m tired of being spoken to like I’m a preschooler. (I should know how that sounds, as I’ve worked as a preschool teacher.) I could respect them more if they would be upfront with their contempt for us.
Power will circle the wagons if they sense the herd are getting nervous. The first six months of this next administration will go a long way towards deciding whether there is a full on stampede.
We can call Warren and let her know she was right, people are pissed. Anger and hopelessness over the lack of accountability and unfairness clearly can result in violence. These BS "Buying Silence" Billionaires and Corp CEOs are right to be afraid of what they've created.
I have been trying to process this juxtaposition all day while taking advantage of the fact that I live in a rec use state.
Keep up the great work, Ken. You seem to have fully recovered from Democratic Partyitis.
Too bad the Democrats never actually came through on this.
Coincidence? I think not!