70% of eligible citizens don't vote...50% aren't registered...of the registered half less than 60% vote(30% of eligible citizens (18< not yet dead.

Believing any poll makes you dumber than you should be

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Your general idea is correct, but your numbers are off. In the 2020 presidential election, 73 percent of eligible citizens were registered and 67 percent voted.

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Gotta call bullshit,

Where did you get those numbers...sorry, but I have not seen numbers that high.

I think something wasn't understood or you were lied to.

Eligible has a specific meaning (over 18 till dead)...and they were bragging that they had 56% turnout of registered citizens in '20

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OK, I'll try to find out how many actual citizens they surveyed...it doesn't state that.

I did read it was only "noninstitutionalized" citizens...since US has 4% of Earth's population and 25% of Earth's prisoners...that would be a substantial amount of citizens...I don't think they should be excluded or not allowed to vote either. It's a civic duty not some right that could be removed , even by prison

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Thanks, think they are in anyway manipulated? It would aide their goals of not alarming the public

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I downloaded a couple of their lists. I'm calling bullshit and think this is just another .gov lying to Serfs. Just like the unemployment numbers and many other "facts" meant to control your opinions. This looks nomore accurate than polls...divisive distraction to affect your perception.

I still believe the registered citizens over 18 are closer to 50% than the 66.2% I saw (from a survey)

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There’s no justification for the murdering oil and natural gas stealing Israel government.

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Well if the person self describes as democrat, this poll is probably correct, however this is also why joe Biden and the dems will lose in2024, out of touch!

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Nov 20, 2023
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In their defense, a shitload of people get all their info from the incredibly pro-Israel mainstream media and politicians. If they were getting less-biased info I really believe a lot of people would be changing their tunes.

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Al Jazeera

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your mainstream media is heavily biased against Israel. no wonder you all so brainwashed

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And our media may be biased, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pull our heads out of our asses.

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I hate to say that some whites , want nothing to do with a party that backs genocide. It’s true but those of us that truly believe that we fucked up the world and now we need to help today’s youth rebuild it.

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terrorists are not human

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