Jun 6Liked by Ken Klippenstein

Can't wait till Israel burns DC to the ground.

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What does this mean?

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i imagine it means that the mental gymnastics necessary to justify our unwavering support and constant denial of the criminalities of the israeli state will breakdown the political system of this country. much like its breaking the international institutions we put in place after wwii.

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That's what I figured and I had already "liked" RealNoDeuces comment, and in which case I completely agree. They seem to be fine with burning all of that - AND - potentially the Constitution itself to the ground so as to kowtow to Israel, its lobby and the minority Zionist faction in the USG.

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as well as the oil lobby, defense contractors, etc. a whole lot of rich people are about to get much richer off our tax dollars and to the collateral benefit of bibi.

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Jun 6Liked by Ken Klippenstein

At this point replacing the senators with ChatGPT would yield better results.

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Jun 6Liked by Ken Klippenstein

delete "zoo"... sorry about that boo boo!

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Jun 6Liked by Ken Klippenstein

I'm enjoying the zoo"upgrade" very much, Ken. Keep the good stuff coming!

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Thanks, Gene!

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No one questioned why the increased terror threat? I guess we're just to assume that any foreign threats are just groups who resent our freedom and democracy and domestic are just white supremacist militia groups! Couldn't possibly be anything else.

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Cough... Cough... Israel.

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Let's face it, much of the world hates our government with good reason. As to domestic, look around!

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Jun 6Liked by Ken Klippenstein

“Susan Collins, the 71-year-old senior Senator from Maine who looks like the sun-dried corpse of Barry Keoghan…” 🤣 I didn’t know who he was, so I looked him up, and you’re right! And Kennedy has been creepily focused on “deviant” and/or illegal sex lately.

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Rolling out the red carpet for fascism at home. Did we expect anything better from the same Congress that decided to sh*t on the First Amendment in response to fake sob stories from some alleged students feeling "unsafe" on their campuses and has, I guess, extended an invitation to Bibi Netanyahu to come address them? Will they wave Israeli flags like they waved the Ukrainian ones, or is that a performative step a little too far away from performance and into reality?

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Are the sob stories really (sic) fake? Because, from what I've read here and there, a big chunk of the world Jewish population is at least politically centrist for wherever its members live, and/or have been brought up to see (political) Zionism as an utterly organic part of Judaism, and/or get suckered into at least appearing to support Israel uncritically.

Are there any documented sources of such fake complaints?

Mind, of course, listening to these complaints, one can't help hear echoes of right-wing talking-points from the past about how evil liberals are making conservatives feel all put-upon at universities.

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Yeah. Look up the congressional testimony of the professional victim who got "stabbed in the eye" by a Palestinian flag during an incident of "antisemitism" - one of many we are expected to believe.

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I got a cartoon in my last Funny Times where a job seeker is sitting talking to HR who asks "what about this two year blank in your resume?" The applicant responds "That's when I was in Congress"

It's amazing to me that nobody even thinks about considering ways that we could dissuade potential terrorists from wanting to perpetrate terror. Maybe that's why most of the FBI terror plots were actually hatched by the FBI.

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It's utterly disgusting every single time. And, then everyone wonders why Americans are so sick of their government they are willing to throw a big fu to the system by electing someone they all hate?

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